PRAGUE - The Chamber of Deputies has approved the biggest labour market reform in recent years. The so-called flexinovela brings a major change - unemployment benefits will rise to 80 % of the previous wage in the first two months. Which was still pushed through in the government by the Pirates. Thanks to this adjustment, people will not be forced to take the first available job, but will be given the space to look for a job that matches their qualifications and skills.
"It's great news. The key labour market reform that we came up with in the government passed the House of Commons today. Other nonsensical proposals, on the other hand, did not pass. People will get 80 % of previous wages for the first two months of unemployment. They will not be afraid to look for a new job. And the job market will get moving. Because today people cannot afford to be without income for long periods of time, so they often take the first job that comes along, even if it doesn't suit them. Similarly, many people are afraid to change jobs even if they are not happy. That will change. I am glad that we were able to persuade our coalition partners at the time and now our colleagues in the House of Commons to push this through." stated on the adoption of the amendment Olga Richterová arguing that higher support at the start of unemployment gives people the space to find work that matches their skills and qualifications.
According to surveys, up to 50 % people do not have a financial reserve for more than two months without income. Thus, higher unemployment benefits will not only help individuals but also employers, as employees will not be under pressure to accept unsuitable offers. The result will be greater labour market mobility, higher wages and a more satisfied workforce. In their proposals, the Pirates have long advocated solutions that modernise the current rigid labour market and protect employees.
The adopted amendment contains some key passages that will help to get both labour and the economy moving in practice.
On the other hand, termination without cause, which the Pirate Party opposed from the very beginning and which was mainly promoted by ODS and TOP 09, was not passed. All these and other measures should make the existing labour market more flexible.
The Pirate Party managed to get the provision included in the amendment. The Pirates will continue to advocate for further steps to make the labour market more flexible, strengthen employee protection and ensure fair working conditions. Details of the Pirate Party's proposals can be found at /