On Thursday, 7 March 2024, President Petr Pavel and Eva Pavlová concluded a two-day visit to the Central Bohemian Region, the twelfth since Petr Pavel was elected President. The presidential couple started their visit on Wednesday, 6 March 2024, traditionally at the regional office, which is located in Prague. The President debated with the Governor Petra Pecková, councillors and representatives of the region. In the afternoon, President Pavel and Eva Pavlová met with clients of the senior citizens' home in Beroun, followed by a debate on the Křivoklát National Park, and then the President visited the Vinařice prison, while Eva Pavlová headed to the women's prison in Velké Přílepy.
At the prison, President Pavel discussed the problems of the Czech prison system, such as overcrowding, lack of staff, high recidivism, lack of funding and the need to amend the Penal Code. In the evening, President Pavel debated with citizens in Kladno.
"Among the problems plaguing the region is also the budgetary determination of taxes, which has been a long-term problem not only for the Central Bohemian Region but for all the others, because the formula for calculating the budgetary determination of taxes for regions has not been changed since 2005, and in the meantime, of course, there have been significant changes in all regions. So a debate on how to adjust the formula is in order." President Pavel said at a press briefing.
On the final day of his visit, the President started with a visit to the Amos Primary School in Psary and also visited the traditional Kavalierglass glassworks, which was saved from bankruptcy by its new owner. In the afternoon, President Pavel discussed the topic of energy self-sufficiency of municipalities with the representatives of the municipality of Kněžice, while Eva Pavlova visited the Botanicus company's premises. At the end of the trip, the presidential couple went together to the Bohumil Hrabal nature trail in Kersk.