Taye Atske-Selassie BEIJING, Oct 12 - Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a congratulatory telegram to Ethiopian President Taye Atske-Selassie on his inauguration ...
Helena Kluzová
Xi Jinping meets with foreign guests at the China International Friendship Conference in Beijing
From Helena KluzováChinese President Xi Jinping met with foreign guests attending the China International Friendship Conference and the 70th anniversary celebration of the founding of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries in Great ...
The Zlatá Husa Gallery sold sixty paintings from the collection of Vladimír Železný at auction
From Helena KluzováAfter the exhibition Goose on Kampa, which presented the most important part of Vladimír Železný's collection, headed by Medek's blue-figure paintings and the newly purchased Traumat ...
Slovak Foreign Ministry describes recognition of Palestine as a solution to the Middle East conflict
From Helena KluzováBRATISLAVA, 12 October - Slovak Foreign and European Affairs Minister Juraj Blanár considers recognition of Palestinian independence the only lasting solution to the conflict ...
EU foreign ministers to discuss anti-Russian sanctions and the issue of combating their circumvention
From Helena KluzováBRUSSELS, 11 October. Foreign ministers of the European Union member states will discuss new sanctions at their scheduled meeting on 14 October in Luxembourg ...
A genius healer or a charlatan? Vincenz Priessnitz healed patients with hydrotherapy and by changing his mind in accordance with the laws of nature
From Helena Kluzová"The Water Doctor" Vincenz PRIESSNITZ, founder of the world's first hydrotherapy baths, was so well known in the first half of the 19th century that he received ...
HAVANA, Oct. 7 - "Cuba has already sent an official request to obtain partner status in BRICS," Russian Ambassador to Havana Viktor Coronelli ...
Congolese health officials have launched their first vaccination campaign against the viral disease mpox (formerly monkeypox), a key step in efforts to curb ...
Thousands of people in Europe take part in pro-Palestinian rallies, action culminates on 7 October
From Helena KluzováLONDON/ROME/BERLIN/PARIS/PRAGUE - Thousands of people took to the streets in several European cities yesterday in pro-Palestinian demonstrations ahead of the first anniversary of the ...
UN Secretary-General calls for an end to suffering in the Middle East on the anniversary of the 7 October attack
From Helena KluzováUNITED NATIONS, 6 October - The world community must not lose hope and must work to end the suffering that has engulfed the Middle East, Secretary-General ...