PRAGUE - MPs will vote next week on a controversial increase in fees for Czech Television and Czech Radio, with an expanded range of taxpayers. Again ...
Photo: Zuzana Bönisch
According to the revised estimate, gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 0.7 % q-o-q and 1.8 % y-o-y in Q4 2024. GDP ...
4 March: World Obesity Day. A disease that is virtually impossible to cure without professional help
From zbysekWorld Obesity Day, which is commemorated annually on 4 March, is approaching. In the Czech Republic, approximately 25 % adults are obese, making us one of the ...
Floor to ceiling. St. Vitus Cathedral is being completely cleaned for the first time in forty years
From zbysekClimbers on ropes carefully vacuuming the walls and stained glass windows, cleaning all the stone elements, walls and cornices. Using brushes made of natural materials and vacuum cleaners, they remove dozens of ...
Czech government releases CZK 900 million for affordable housing projects and approves new air ambulance base
From zbysekUp to CZK 900 million will be available from the State Fund for Investment Support to finance affordable housing projects. The ...
European Union leaders joined a video conference Wednesday morning to hear directly from Emmanuel Macron about his recent ...
In the first month of this year, 14 fewer % passenger cars rolled off the lines of domestic manufacturers year-on-year, namely 113,826 units. The production of motorcycles also recorded lower production values ...
CZSO: Year-on-year growth in industrial producer prices slowed down, in agriculture accelerated
From zbysekOn a month-on-month basis, agricultural producer prices rose by 1.5 % and were 9.1 % higher year-on-year. Industrial producer prices rose by 0.2 % m-o-m and were higher y-o-y by ...
Legend Jan Werich - the role of the villain in the Bond movie was taken away from him, he was not scary enough, people loved his wise humour
From Helena Kluzová"Humor is not a gift, humor is a way of thinking." "The war on human stupidity cannot be won, but neither can it be escaped, because ...