"Humor is not a gift, humor is a way of thinking." "The war on human stupidity cannot be won, but neither can it be escaped, because ...
"We need to substantially increase spending on our own defence to at least three per cent of GDP over the next few years. We must be able to secure this money and ...
The Czech automotive industry is the backbone of our economy - it accounts for over 9 % of GDP and employs more than 500 thousand people. But ...
Tourist Information Centres (TICs) still play a key role in tourism. They guarantee a personal approach, but at the same time face the challenges of modern times. This, ...
Prime Minister Petr Fiala, together with Minister of Agriculture Mark Výborný and the Chair of the European Parliament's Agriculture Committee Veronika Vrecionová, met with representatives of agricultural organisations ...
Daily economic news from the Czech Republic: overview of the past 24 hours (19 February 2025)
From AdminAn overview of the latest economic events in the Czech Republic The Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic has submitted to the government for approval the candidacy of Marek Mora for the position of vice president of the European Investment Bank ...
In the new documentary series Landscape by Dan Bárta, viewers will also see bison from the Milovice reserve
From zbysekIn a new series of the series Czechs Save, naturalist, entomologist and musician Dan Bárta sets out to map the problems of Czech nature, which are being helped by ...
Czech government suspended negotiations on the list of psychomodulatory substances pending notification to the EU
From zbysekThe Czech Republic wants to tighten the fight against illegal trade in endangered species of animals and plants by 2028. The new action plan, which ...