Elon Musk treats the German Chancellor and the Germans, the British Prime Minister and the British people the way they treat the rest of the world. That has been German and British privilege so far. The billionaire is giving unsolicited advice, insulting foreign policymakers and, by allying himself with the most powerful man in the world, the President of the United States of America, spineless taps, Zuckerberg and co, who put an end to woke capitalism shortly before Donald Trump's inauguration. Almost all of them got scared of the unpredictability of the future. Elon Musk has taken advantage of this to compose the opening chord of a new American reality that, God willing, will open the curtain on Monday, January 20, on a theater that will be the setting for an old play about relations within the United States and with its vassals not only in Europe but with its enemies, especially Russia and China.
Nine days later (29 January) the curtain will open on many venues. They will showcase a major holiday for the Chinese and an important holiday for other Southeast Asians. As a reminder, the celebrations traditionally begin on the first day of the first lunar month of the Chinese calendar and end on the 15th, known as the Lantern Festival. The date of the Chinese New Year is fluid and fluctuates between January 21 and February 20. It is determined astronomically. This year will be under the sign of the snake, which is the sixth animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac and is associated with wisdom, intuition and strategic growth.
In 2024, the population of the People's Republic of China (PRC) will decrease by 1.39 million people compared to 2023. The population of the People's Republic of China at the end of 2024 was 1 billion 408 million 280 thousand people (includes residents of 31 provinces, autonomous regions, cities with central subordination, excludes residents of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, and foreigners), which is 1.39 million less than at the end of 2023, the State Statistics Bureau of the People's Republic of China said in its annual report.
The report notes that this result has been achieved at the expense of a decline in fertility. According to the statistics office, 9.54 million newborns were born in 2024 and 10.93 million citizens died. The report also lists China's sex ratio: on average, there were 105 men per 100 women. The working-age population between 16 and 59 at the end of 2024 was 858 million. I would remind you that there was a discussion on the birth rate in the Czech Republic recently in the Czech Parliament (13.1), which I did not attend in person. I suppose the discussion missed to underline the fact that birth rates are influenced by anthropological degeneration (values), scientific research (contraception) and change in cognitive functions (perception of the mission, difference and function of male and female sex).
Regarding the economy and the fear of its slow growth, inflation and sanctions, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation reported that China has become Russia's largest trading partner in 2024. At the end of the third quarter, the total trade turnover was $584 billion, of which about $197 billion was accounted for by China.
In context, this means that despite the crisis mood in the world, China's economic development is guided by the Party's goals and is achieving them. Notwithstanding the real estate crisis, a slump in domestic consumption and highly indebted local governments, China's economy grew by five per cent last year. No Western media pundit disputes the five per cent growth. Growth thus exceeded the expectations of official Western analyst-gurus. Thus the Chinese economy has achieved the growth target set by the Chinese government at the annual meeting of the All-China People's Congress in March. As a reminder for comparison, gross domestic product growth was 5.2 percent in 2023.
UK and Ukraine
Imagine that Great Britain signed a certain treaty with a certain country 100 years ago, at the beginning of 1925. Consider that during that time, Britain has had five monarchs and 24 prime ministers. Britain has survived the Second World War, seven economic crises, lost colonies and ceased to be an empire. And ask yourself the question: How many treaties signed by London in 1925 have been lost (i.e. forgotten by the public), how many have lost their meaning, and what relevance can a newly concluded treaty with Ukraine, signed by a Musk-lynched and sweating in the House of Commons Prime Minister and a NATO state provoking terrorist attacks clown-President of the rest of the country, i.e. still called Ukraine, have.
I venture to assess the 100-year treaty as a work of art and a tool of British military and commercial diplomacy that is in keeping with the laws of the theatrical genre and PR. The treaty represents both an attempt by the anti-Trump coalition to tie Zelensky down so that he does not fall before he is needed and an attempt to turn Ukraine into a tool to achieve the goals of the globalists under the protectorate of London. The latter, with a probability bordering on certainty, will take charge of the rest of Ukraine in 1654 proportions, fed by a slimming European Union, so that the old way of celebrating can be celebrated in the House of Zion.
I recall for reflection seven things out of many:
1) The preamble is slightly shorter than the main body, in which the signatories promise to deepen defence cooperation, integrate Ukraine into NATO and work to address long-term systemic threats and challenges to maritime security in the Baltic, Black and Azov Seas. And there was no need to go into details: this is the fourth Ukrainian-British agreement since the beginning of last year.
2) Zelensky declared with pathos: Today is indeed a historic day. Relations between Ukraine and the United Kingdom are closer than ever. We have reached a new level, it is more than just a strategic partnership. And he forgot to mention his comrades in the Czernin Palace and Prague Castle.
3) The British government noted that the 100-year partnership is an important step in supporting Ukraine's long-term security and ensuring that it will never again be vulnerable to the brutality inflicted on it by the Russian Federation. What else can you expect when the agreement commits Britain to stand shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine for a century! And no one knows whether the two treaty partners will still exist.
4) As a confirmation of the seriousness of the intentions, Prime Minister Starmer promised to deliver 150 new artillery pieces, a mobile PO system and $3 billion of frozen Russian assets in the near future. But when it comes to the details, the real system of relations between partners who are not at all equal becomes clearer. What do I mean? In April 2024, when the military-industrial cooperation agreement was signed, BAE Systems arrived in Kiev with representatives of 29 British defence companies. BAE has an agreement with the UK Ministry of Defence to maintain and repair L119 light guns supplied to Ukraine. I recommend those interested in the subject to read the much more detailed security cooperation agreement signed on 12 January 2024.
5) In other words, the British government (which was represented by the Minister for Trade Policy) supports its arms manufacturers and the defence industry as a whole with orders. This is demonstrated in particular by the third paragraph of the second part of the treaty, which contains important words: The UK will encourage its defence industry to work with Ukraine to support the localisation of repair, maintenance and production of UK defence products in Ukraine.
6) War is a business and the British have always been successful at it. On current challenges, an agreement was made in August 2024 to abolish import tariffs and tariff quotas on trade with Ukraine by 2029. Yet no one knows exactly what the Ukrainian economy can sell to the British. However, it is known exactly what Britain sells: vehicles, some machinery and mechanisms, chemical and pharmaceutical products. Aside from the fact that the foregoing is very (not) similar to military equipment, weapons and ammunition, the fact is that the centenary deal will strengthen the British position in controlling the grain trade and could make it a priority partner for the rest of Ukraine in the energy sector, the extraction of critical minerals and the production of green steel, if President Putin is intoxicated by the desire for peace according to the recipe of the collective West.
7) For our people, the mention of the centenary treaty and the context offers an opportunity to imagine how long the West intends to hold out in Ukraine to achieve its gains. The treaty is a time bomb because under the agreement Britain will be able to make claims similar to those made to Russia by holders of the Tsarist government's loan commitments. That said, it is a bargaining tool, both economic and political, that allows the current policy to endure until the US Congressional elections in 2026. The Democrats and British people in solidarity need to have a tame crocodile (Zelensky) because, regardless of President Trump's actions, they are counting on revenge.
Summa summarum (counted): in London, the current government of Ukraine will be under the patronage of the British and will criticize the situation in Ukraine. Meanwhile, all the burdens and consequences of any peace deal, including guaranteed difficult socio-economic ones, will be credited to Trump. Why? Because Trump will shut down Ukraine, take on the China problem (even at the expense of the EU), take his opponents out of the great game, and hand the Ukraine issue over to the EU led by the British, who of course have their own interests. And the general public will hear from morning till night, and from night till morning, about mutual support for reconstruction, restructuring and reform for future generations, while all agreements will be consigned to the bin once they cease to be beneficial to the main beneficiary (the UK).
Morgenthau lessons for the Czech Republic
Understanding this part of the paper requires knowing at least a little about the plan of Hans Joachim Morgenthau (1904-1980), a German-born American political scientist and international relations theorist who remains one of the most influential in the field today. After the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871, World War I and World War II, along with the failed Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919, the Allies in World War II wanted to ensure that there would never again be an aggressive Germany strong enough to invade its neighbors. In September 1944, however, the so-called Morgenthau Plan was leaked to the media. The plan was at first widely praised because it would be seen as a way to prevent Germany from starting another world war in Europe.

In essence, Morgenthau envisioned a Carthaginian peace with a permanently de-industrialized, and unarmed, Germany, similar to the pre-civilization frontier that the historian Publius Cornelius Tacitus (55-115, perhaps 124 AD) wrote about in his Germania. This historical and ethnographic work, published around 98 and originally entitled On the Origin and Situation of the Germanic Peoples, discusses the Germanic peoples outside the Roman Empire.
Morgenthau's plan was not about the Germanic nations, but about ensuring that all German industrial plants and facilities would be dismantled within six months of Germany's surrender. The Ruhr, the centre of European industrial power, was to be permanently emasculated, stripped of energy, raw materials and infrastructure. After World War II, the Truman administration rejected the notion of a pastoral, de-industrialized and insecure Germany as a recipe for poverty, hunger and depopulation.
Ignoring history and the ideas of the past, the current and not only German politicians have embarked on a path leading to an updated version of the Morgenthau Plan without the voice and permission of EU citizens. The EC's green illusions have caused many nuclear, coal and gas power plants in Germany to be shut down. Unpredictable solar and wind supposedly sustainable energy means that the cost of electricity in Germany is four times higher than the average in the United States.
The once dominant European car giants Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes are losing customers and making profits through financial speculation and creative accounting. The EC and their own governments' regulations on green and electric vehicles safely ensure global uncompetitiveness. The ratio of freighters going to China and Europe and the EU Chamber of Commerce in Beijing speaks for itself: one European one going to China, four Chinese ones to Europe.
Add to that the fact that the German economy has actually shrunk by 2023, that a shrunken Ruhr can no longer save the German economy from its own utopian policies, that the German army is almost disarmed and lacking thousands of recruits, that German industry is not producing enough ammunition, tanks, ships and planes, to equip even its diminished army, navy and air force, the coming celebration of Chinese New Year and the Year of the Snake will arouse envy in Europe, reinforce Sinophobia and bring home the need to realise that just a few hundred kilometres away in Ukraine more than a million Ukrainians and Russians are dead, wounded or missing.
Millions of immigrants have entered the EU illegally, the vast majority of them from the Middle East. Many of them are hostile to natural and, after the end of World War II, invented European values and culture. This is demonstrated by the recent terrorist murders, which belong to the category of anthropological degeneration. I remind you that one fifth of the population was not born in Germany. How it is in the Czech basin, I do not know. But I do know that a large number of Germans and Czechs are angry, divided and depressed. The birth rate in Germany has reached 1.4 % and is one of the lowest in the western world. Eighty years ago, the conquerors of Germany dismissed breaking up a defeated nation as too harsh. But now Germany, and with it the entire EU, is deliberately pastoralizing, disarming, de-industrializing and destroying itself. And perhaps Morgenthau is turning in his grave. There is no help for the unhelpful.
Confucius Lessons for the Czech Republic It is well known that the author is not a specialist on China or on the Confucius Doctrine, but that he has been observing events in China since the first half of the 1980s and has visited China several times in a working capacity within the activities of the EU TACIS Coordination Office, later OBOR (One Belt, One Road) and privately. In view of the current actions of not only the Czech government and the EC in the wake of serious clashes in the US-China-Russia triangle, hence Iran, several theses on morality, ethics and the functioning of the Confucian constitutional system are offered for reflection. Recall that the principles of ethics and morality from the teachings of Confucius (551-479 CE) are now part of the preparation of cadres and education of CCP members in China, thanks to President Xi Jinping and his endless fight against corruption.
One of the books dealing with the subject is The Confucian Constitutional System. The work, published in 2020 in translation by Milan Kreuzzieger by the publishing house Philosofia (ISBN 9788070076002), was written by the Chinese living scholar Jiang Qing (1953). The author discusses the new socio-political system that would be most suitable for China, based on Confucius. I mention the book and the constitutional system briefly for topical reasons.
Just as in Europe there are links to ancient Greece and Rome, and to Christianity and the Enlightenment, in China there has been a trend in recent decades to draw on elements of traditional Chinese civilisation, and especially Confucian motifs. I would remind you that they have been applied in China in various interpretations for two and a half thousand years, and no revolution or political system has destroyed or replaced Confucian motifs and values. It is not surprising, therefore, that not only conservatives, but also socialist and liberal theorists, politicians and other actors in the public sphere are also concerned with Qing philosophy.

The author of the book argues that the best socio-political system not only for China is the so-called Way of Human Authority. This is an underestimated deficit. Why? Because at the heart of the Way of Human Authority is the question of three forms of legitimacy-political, legal, and just: Heaven, Earth, and Man. And legitimacy is the decisive factor in determining whether the governed have the right to govern. Today this question is more than relevant. Why? Because the legitimacy of Heaven refers to a transcendent, sacred legitimacy; the legitimacy of the earth is based on a legitimacy derived from a history and culture that we do not know, suppress and change; and the legitimacy of Man refers to the will of the people. The latter is of no interest to the servants of power, except in the run-up to elections.
The tragedy is that all three of these forms of legitimacy are completely ignored in teaching, education and practice today, even though it should be clear to any person with common sense that compliance with legitimacy in the sense described above directly determines whether people submit to political authority, and that there is an inseparable pair: right and duty.
It is in the context of not only the Confucian constitutional system that the legitimation of the Way is found and considered. That is. how we understand the legitimacy of political power, while the implementation of the path represents the way in which political power is realized and exercised, as well as the methods and art of using legitimate power. The legitimation of political power is therefore the foundation and goal of every political system, order and art of politics. Unfortunately, the current usurpers of power are unwilling or unable to realize this, even though the Way of Human Authority offers and accepts a parliamentary system within the constitutional framework.
In the Chinese Confucian concept, Parliament consists of three chambers.
Each of them represents one of the three legitimacies: The Chamber of (Confucian) Scholars represents sacred legitimacy; the Chamber of the People represents popular legitimacy; the Chamber of the Nation represents cultural legitimacy. The Parliament thus formed, as the sovereign organ of the state, is - according to Jiang - best realized in a monarchy, and, according to the knowledge and experience of the author of this paper, cannot be realized in a sold democracy of the present type.
I wish for everyone that this year under the sign of the serpent will not only be verbally associated with wisdom, intuition and strategic growth, but above all with the growth of spirituality and wisdom. No consent needed. 18.01.2025.
Jan Campbell