The Czech Republic is increasingly often on the radar of future newlyweds from abroad. Couples from different parts of the world choose the Czech Republic for their D-day not only because of its rich history, beautiful castles, chateaus and other places offering true romance and its strategic location in the centre of Europe, but also on the basis of its attractive quality/price ratio. Wedding tourism has been gaining popularity recently and is a key factor in boosting inbound tourism.
A romantic heartwarming card for future newlyweds
In addition to foreign couples, the most frequent choice for a wedding in the Czech Republic is for partners, one of whom is a Czech permanently living abroad and the other a foreigner. The biggest attraction for a joint ANO in the Czech Republic are the unique locations that our country boasts. In particular, castles and chateaus, which offer an unforgettable atmosphere and, in addition to romance, other options such as wellness or great food. Last but not least, these places are set in beautiful landscapes, which adds to the final experience of the newlyweds. Couples from Western Europe and the United States are the most frequent buyers of wedding ceremonies in the Czech Republic, for whom the combination of cultural heritage and affordable prices is very attractive.
"Wedding tourism has a lot of potential in our country. This is both from couples from European countries and from more distant markets, for example India, which we are currently focusing more on in our activities. These are credit-worthy clients that have ČR what to offer," says the director of the Czech Tourism Centre - CzechTourism Frantisek Reismüller and adds: "If the newlyweds decide to get married in the Czech Republic, they don't just stay with the ceremony itself. Often they extend their stay to experience the beauty of our country. For the Czech economy, this segment is undoubtedly an important source of income. In order to strengthen it even further, we support the expansion of direct flights from distant countries. Experience has shown that they play a crucial role, not only in wedding tourism. At the moment, we are prioritising routes to North America and the Far East. In addition to New York, this includes Philadelphia, possibly Chicago, Toronto, Montreal and Chinese destinations. In the near to medium term, we are also looking to launch routes to Vietnam, Thailand and the aforementioned India."
The wedding industry is the fourth largest industry in India with an annual volume of over USD 130 billion (over three trillion crores) and growing at 20 % annually. Globally, it ranks second after China. India's "destination weddings" are a complex and fast-growing segment with overlaps into tourism, catering, entertainment, decor, fashion, jewellery, photography and even logistics. The cost of an average wedding is $100,000, with wealthy families investing significantly more.

Central Europe as an advantage
The Czech Republic attracts not only with its charm, but also with its practical advantages. Its central location in Europe makes it easily accessible to guests from all over the world, making it a great choice for international weddings. As part of its promotional support, CzechTourism therefore organised a press trip in October for media and travel agencies from selected countries. Representatives from Finland, Taiwan, USA, Japan and the United Kingdom "enjoyed" the wedding sightseeing trip.
"Our goal was to present the Czech Republic as an ideal destination for foreign weddings, which will attract visitors with its convenient location, safety, quality services and rich history. Its affordable prices make it an ideal choice for couples looking for a beautiful but affordable location. We believe that the Czech Republic will soon gain a reputation as a popular wedding destination and even more international couples will spend their wedding day here," describes the experience manager from CzechTourism Eva Beranová.
When preparing the programme, the organisers based their plans on the locations that foreign wedding guests are most interested in, but they also took the participants to lesser-known places. Among other things, they visited historic buildings in the center of Prague, luxury hotels and picturesque castles in Central Bohemia Region. And to make the impressions as authentic as possible, the event was attended by experienced wedding coordinator Kateřina Fields from the agency Wedding Fields.
CzechTourism will organize another sightseeing trip in November. This time the Fam trip will be for Indian "wedding planners" and representatives of Wedding Vows, India's most popular media platform that focuses on the wedding industry and lifestyle.
Historical monuments as top locations, Prague is the biggest attraction
Most foreign weddings in the Czech Republic take place in castles, chateaus or other historical monuments, which provide ideal backdrops for festive moments. Prague, which is currently at the centre of the wedding tourism in the Czech Republic. Central Bohemia is also in the trend, where baroque castles and country estates with charming surroundings and plenty of privacy are popular. The wedding march in foreign weddings often sounds also in South Bohemia e.g. on castle in Hluboká nad Vltavou a in Český Krumlov or in Central Bohemia at Karlstejn Castle.
"In the Czech Republic, you will find a truly diverse range of venues that create the perfect backdrop for an unforgettable wedding. The splendour of opulent castles, the charm of gothic towns, picturesque vineyards and beautiful gardens reflect a rich bohemian culture that enhances the romantic experience. Practical advantages are another plus. For couples planning their big day, the Czech Republic offers the same quality of service and options compared to many Western European countries. But the price they pay for them is lower. And that makes this country even more attractive as a wedding destination. Thanks to this, lovers can take their wedding experience several levels higher without going over their budget. The combination of breathtaking venues, rich history, diverse landscapes and affordability makes the country the perfect place to say yes to life," sums up her impressions of one of the participants of the October press trip, the editor of the prestigious magazine Weddings & Honeymoons Magazine Lulu Eagle from the United Kingdom.

The economic benefits of wedding tourism? Supporting regional growth and development
Bottom line - wedding tourism is one of the tourism segments that have a positive economic impact on the regional economy. A wedding should be a once-in-a-lifetime event. Thus, this segment not only strengthens regional development, but also brings employment opportunities and significant revenues to local economies, making the Czech Republic an attractive and beneficial destination for wedding tourism. Foreign wedding guests often stay in the country for several days, using local services such as accommodation, restaurants and tourist attractions, thus supporting local businesses. According to the study. focused on the economic impact of wedding tourism, this type of travel not only increases the number of tourists, but also significantly increases their spending during their stay. The authors of the study focused their research on Portugal, but the positive benefits can also be applied to other countries, including the Czech Republic.
Conclusion? Through their spending, the newlyweds and their guests support the development of several sectors beyond the wedding event itself, creating a multiplier effect. They invest more money in their celebration than domestic couples. According to other studies, written in 2017 by Helena Micallef, a Maltese researcher and educator with a focus on tourism, which explored the economic benefits that luxury Indian weddings can bring to Malta, couples are not afraid to spend more in exchange for an exceptional experience.
CzechTourism/ gnews - RoZ
PHOTO - Karlštejn town