Milena Dopitová is an intermedia artist who entered the Czech art scene in the early 1990s. After the fall of the communist regime in the former Czechoslovakia, new possibilities and themes in visual art opened up. The main theme of her works became a newly expressed interest in man and his intimate experience of everyday life. Dopitová works with identity politics in simple and even metaphorical objects, transforming their everyday purpose into a deeper message. This is the strategy she has chosen for the project dedicated to the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2022, which we are now presenting at the Trade Fair Palace.
Dopitová presents the company as a majestic building. The bonds and ties that bind us together are an immanent solid structure. They ensure the stability of the whole structure we call society, even though it is a system composed of many different elements. The abstract bonds are flexible enough to allow the whole to be in constant motion. The Trade Fair Palace is a place of meeting and mutual exchange of experiences. The individual works convey a message of connection, they can be composed and disassembled in different ways, and yet their composition remains compositionally functional.
In the exhibited objects, intimacy is both personal and public. They are ties that grow from personal to political and vice versa. Europe is made up of historically distinct cultures that can hardly be simplified to the notion of a nation. Dopit's objects point to the difference that characterizes society in a broad sense. It is then the belonging of different elements that creates stability and harmony. In a world whose tensions are constantly graduating, balance is a privilege. Empathy and sensitivity are values that need to be cultivated on a daily basis, because the sun does not always shine for everyone.
Curator: Eva Skopalová Černá_07