I choose intermittent fasting instead of dinner whenever I feel that my body needs a break and a little reboot. Whether in moments of acute infection, days of excessive exhaustion and fatigue, or just occasionally when I simply don't feel like eating. Intermittent fasting has become my life guide and helper. The state of lightness, quality sleep and fresh awakening, strength and health in body and mind that comes after it is worth it.
Primary health prevention is everyone's responsibility. MUDr. Jan Vojáček mentions in the introduction to his new book The Art of Being Healthy that: "The art of being healthy lies not outside us, but within us. To be healthy in the 21st century is to become aware of the important aspects of our lives."
It is up to each of us to take responsibility for our own health and it is up to us to choose the tools we use. On the positive side, these tools are usually within reach for all of us, we just have to reach for them... Sometimes it can mean stepping outside of our routines and comfort zone, taking a step into the unknown.
As part of preventive and loving care for our body and spirit, we should be aware of the following areas and elements of our lives and, where appropriate, renew or refresh them. These include healthy movement that respects the body's capabilities and possible limitations, healthy habits (e.g. good sleep, hardening, mental hygiene and healthy relationships) and, last but not least, a healthy diet.
What is a healthy diet? It's not only WHAT that counts, but also WHEN
Nowadays, we have a choice between many dietary trends: organic diet, vegetarianism, veganism, vitarianism, macrobiotics, paleo diet... But the most important thing is to focus on the conscious choice of primary quality and nutritious foods with a sufficient content of micro and macronutrients. When choosing an appropriate dietary regimen, one should consider one's health status, the nature of daily activities and overall energy expenditure.
Many studies have proven that the TIME we eat plays a major role in how we feel and how resilient and functional our immunity is, in addition to WHAT we eat.
Nowadays, the phenomenon of TRE (Time Restricted Eating) and therefore intermittent fasting is spreading all over the world and gaining more and more popularity. Increasingly, reports are appearing in peer-reviewed medical journals confirming that intermittent reduction of intake or even complete avoidance of solid food can have a very positive effect on quality and length of life.
Why fast?
This is a deeply rooted phenomenon in all of living nature. Just as we experience a regular alternation of activity and rest, wakefulness and sleep, so it is inherent and beneficial to our body and mind to respect the time of eating and the time of fasting. During fasting, the body does not take in any solid food, but we provide it with plenty of fluids (water, herbal teas, mineral waters...). Fasting can last from a few hours, when we speak of intermittent fasting, to several days or weeks.
An old Chinese proverb says, "Give your dinner to your enemies."
What do we mean by intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting refers to a dietary pattern in which the fasting and eating phases alternate. The rules are: 16/8 (16 hours of fasting and an eight-hour window for eating), which Margit Slimáková recommends for men, and 14/10 (14 hours of fasting and a ten-hour window for eating), which she recommends for women.
It is important to keep in mind that we consume two to three meals in a meal window and keep sufficient breaks between these meals, about 4 to 5 hours. At the same time, the volume of the meals also remains the same, i.e. the calorific value does not increase.
How does an empty stomach heal?
Overall, we could summarize the medically proven benefits of intermittent fasting as follows:
- Intermittent fasting combined with regular exercise contributes to ideal weight, physical strength and endurance, mental strength and mental joy. According to Dr. Karin Mante from the book Intermittent Fasting, the body can only break down fat in between meals, as this process does not work when insulin is secreted. Therefore, breaks of at least four to five hours should be observed between meals. If the break between meals is extended (up to 12 or 16 hours), the body continues to burn fat. At the same time, mealtimes should be regular.
- Observing breaks between meals protects blood vessels from atherosclerosis, normalizes blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
- It promotes metabolism, the liver, gallbladder and kidneys work more efficiently. Excretory and detoxifying functions are accelerated.
- Blood sugar levels are normalised.
- The intestinal mucosa has room for regeneration and the intestine, as the central immune organ, resumes its immune function.
- Scientific studies have even confirmed the beneficial effect of intermittent fasting in preventing health at the cellular level. According to the authors of the book Intermittent fasting promotes the secretion of so-called neurotrophic factors. These are factors that are responsible for the growth, differentiation and fitness of newly formed nerve cells, while protecting all cell membranes and DNA.
By taking breaks between meals, we prevent degeneration and premature ageing of the cells of the whole body.
- Intermittent fasting has a very beneficial effect on the production of hormones (ghrelin, serotonin, melatonin). This helps to prevent depression and maintain a good mood, among other things.
- An empty stomach before bed improves the quality of sleep and benefits the brain and nerves. For growth hormone and melatonin, intermittent fasting, especially when initiated in the evening, has been shown to release both hormones more efficiently and can better harness their rejuvenating effects.
- Overall, the body is relieved by the breaks between meals and the body copes much better with occasional illnesses, stress and other stressors.
With intermittent fasting we are in a better mood, we experience more joy and contentment. Why is this so? Because of the production of the feel-good hormones ghrelin and serotonin. Let's take a closer look at these and other hormones associated with intermittent fasting.
Ghrelin - the hormone of hunger and happiness
When we don't take in food, the control hormone ghrelin starts to be released. In the hypothalamus, it triggers an increased urge to eat and stimulates the secretion of stomach acid to prepare the body for food intake. Shortly before eating, ghrelin levels reach their peak.
The secretion of ghrelin promotes, among other things, the release of the feeling of happiness. We refer to this effect as an antidepressant or anxiolytic effect. As soon as the stomach fills up, the ghrelin level drops to its lowest point. Unfortunately, nowadays there are more and more people who eat all the time and therefore have low levels of ghrelin and are therefore more prone to fear and depression. By taking longer breaks between meals and allowing the stomach to actually finish the previous meal without burdening it with another nutrient load, we can maintain a sense of happiness for longer.
In addition to controlling the feeling of hunger, ghrelin has another very important role. It functions as a growth hormone-regulating transmitter in the pituitary gland. It therefore promotes growth, which occurs primarily during sleep. Children with healthy sleeping habits use their growth potential better than those who eat uncontrollably and do not have a regular waking and sleeping schedule.
Leptin - the satiety hormone
Leptin plays an important role in satisfying hunger and in fat metabolism. Once we have enough nutrients, this hormone signals satiety and suppresses the desire for more food. However, it happens that the brain does not respond to its signal (often by having too much of it in the body) and even believes that we are starving. At that point we talk about leptin resistance. This leads to overeating and overweight to obesity. Triggers of leptin resistance include fat-rich food and stress. Elevated leptin levels also stimulate sympathetic nervous system activity, which often leads to high blood pressure, heart palpitations and insomnia. This happens in people under ever-present pressure and stress. Leptin levels in the body need to be normalised by good lifestyle choices and healthy weight loss. Intermittent fasting is one effective tool.
Serotonin - the feel-good hormone
Serotonin is known as the hormone of happiness and good mood, but it also plays an important role as a neurotransmitter of the intestinal, nervous and circulatory systems. Once released into the bloodstream, it attaches itself to certain organs and triggers a subsequent reaction there. In humans, 14 different serotonin receptors are known to date. For example, it signals safety, security and closeness to the embryo in the mother's body. The presence of prenatal feelings of happiness is a key factor for a positive attitude towards life in adulthood. Enough serotonin helps us cope with fear and manage worries better; a lack of it, on the other hand, leads to depression. Serotonin also receives important functions from the autonomic nervous system and replenishes needed energy. As a component of melatonin, which is formed from it, it takes care of a beneficial, nourishing and restorative sleep. Continuous stress, overloading of the body and acute and chronic inflammation negatively affect the production of serotonin. Excessive prolonged exercise often leads to a burn-out effect, complete burnout. Then the body needs only one thing: rest and sufficient rest to restore serotonin production. During periods of infection, the body prioritizes the production of other immune and protective system-supporting carriers, and serotonin production is temporarily reduced.
Serotonin is produced almost exclusively in the gut. It is therefore easy to surmise a relationship between healthy gut flora, overall gut health, serotonin production and mental well-being.
The hormone melatonin, which is produced at night by the pineal gland, is responsible for healthy sleep. Every night it lowers the body temperature and puts the body into a state similar to hibernation. By its action, the secretion of sex hormones is reduced, the adrenal cortex and gonads work more slowly, blood pressure drops. Due to the reduced temperature, millions of cells in our body work more slowly and are therefore less stressed. The body gets enough time for internal repairs at the level of cells, tissues and organs. Melatonin, among other things, protects the brain from harmful influences such as the effects of electromagnetic radiation.
Diseases that can be prevented or at least alleviated by intermittent fasting include:
- Overweight, high blood pressure, elevated blood fat and urea levels
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system
- Type 2 diabetes
- Rheumatism and arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic back and head pain, migraines
- Diseases of the stomach and intestines
- Neurodermatitis, eczema and skin redness, psoriasis
- Allergies
- Difficulties in transition
- Increased susceptibility to infections
- Depression and fatigue
- Under certain circumstances, intermittent fasting can increase the effects of chemotherapy. While healthy cells go dormant during fasting, cancer cells cannot adapt to the lack of nourishment. They cannot continue to grow and are more sensitive to cellular poisons. It is a prerequisite that the patient's constitution allows intermittent fasting.
A conscious approach to eating and intermittent fasting creates the perfect epigenetic environment for the body to develop its self-healing abilities. Taking adequate breaks between meals, eating no more than three meals a day and indulging in regular intermittent fasting is the minimum we can do for our health as part of a holistic approach.
I wish you firm determination and enough discipline for your first steps towards intermittent fasting. The results that will come, I believe, will be enough motivation to keep you on this path.
Author. Mgr. Lucie Vybíral Pastrňáková, yoga and yoga therapy instructor, co-author of Light Soul Meditations, www.light-soul.eu
Article published with the kind permission of the magazine Sphere
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