At the end of this year, employees in 41.8 % companies involved in the regular survey of the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic called the Chamber Barometer could count on their thirteenth salary. Almost a third of respondents (29.5 %) stated that they provide this benefit regularly every year, while 12.3 % of companies decided to reward employees exceptionally in order to retain them in a highly competitive labour market. At the same time, 58.2 % firms do not pay the 13th salary, but a substantial number of them have increased their employees' ongoing monthly salaries.
The payment of 13th salaries varies according to the size of the company. Large firms are the most likely to provide this benefit, with 53.2 % paying the 13th salary annually and another quarter (25.5 %) doing so this year to retain employees. Thus, overall, almost 80 % of large firms reward their employees with extra rewards. In contrast, among small and micro firms, the provision of 13th pay is rarer, probably mainly due to financial constraints.
Note: The chart does not include companies that selected the option "Does not apply to us/do not know yet"
In terms of industry, the largest number of firms pay 13th wages in manufacturing (44.4 %) and construction (47.2 %). In contrast, firms in the personal services sector are the least likely to provide extra pay, with only 33.3 % respondents providing this benefit.
"Historical data shows that the payment of 13th salaries is based on the economic situation. In times of crisis, such as the pandemic year 2020 or the energy crisis that began in 2022, companies back away from this benefit in leaps and bounds. This year's proportion of 41.8 % firms paying the 13th salary represents only a slight increase from previous years and remains below the 2019 level. In the event of continued economic stabilization, we can expect further expansion of this benefit," said Lenka Janáková, Director of the Legislation, Law and Analysis Department of the Chamber of Commerce.
Chart: percentage of firms providing the 13th salary in each year
The Chamber of Commerce points out that ensuring the competitiveness of companies on the labour market remains a key factor. In addition to the 13th salary, companies are also choosing other ways to retain quality employees, such as catering benefits, which have become commonplace, or flexible working hours. However, the pressure for wage growth and exceptional rewards remains a significant financial challenge for many small and medium-sized companies.
Chamber of Commerce/ gnews - RoZ