On a month-on-month basis, agricultural producer prices rose by 0.9 % and were 9.3 % higher year-on-year. Industrial producer prices fell by 0.1 % m-o-m and y-o-y, respectively. Construction prices rose by 0.2 % m-o-m and were 2.4 % higher y-o-y. Prices of market services for businesses increased by 1.7 % m-o-m and were 3.5 % higher y-o-y.
"Year-on-year, industrial prices fell for the first time in a year, by 0.1 %. In contrast, prices of other producers continued to rise. Prices in agriculture accelerated their growth to 9.3 %. Prices for construction work were up 2.4 % year-on-year and prices for market services for businesses were up 3.5 %," notes Vladimír Klimeš, Head of the Department of Industrial Prices and Foreign Trade Statistics of the CZSO.

Prices agricultural producers with Monthly increased by 0.9 %. Prices of fruit increased by 11.6 %, cattle by 3.1 %, cereals by 2.4 %, vegetables by 2.2 %, oilseeds by 2.1 % and milk by 0.7 %. Prices of pigs fell by 6.3 %, eggs by 4.1 % and poultry by 1.6 %. Year-on-year were the prices agricultural producers higher by 9.3 % (9.1 % in January). In crop production, prices rose by 8.0 %. Prices of oilseeds were 24.7 % higher, fruit 21.2 % higher and cereals 9.7 % higher, while potato prices fell by 21.5 % and vegetable prices by 24.0 %. In livestock production, prices were higher by 11.3 %. Egg prices increased by 22.5 %, cattle by 19.0 % and milk by 17.8 %. Pig prices decreased by 11.4 %.

Interim prices industrial manufacturers decreased by 0.1 %. In particular, prices of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning were down by 0.3 %, basic metals by 0.9 % and beverages by 1.1 1 %. Prices of chemicals and chemical preparations increased by 1.1 %, other mining and quarrying by 1.8 % and fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment by 0.2 %. Prices of food products increased by 0.1 1ppt, in particular bakery, confectionery and other flour products by 1.3 1ppt, other food products and industrial feeds by 0.6 1ppt and processed and preserved meat and meat products by 1.0 1ppt. Prices industrial manufacturers with year-on-year Prices of electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioned air were down by 1.6 %, coal, lignite and lignite by 8.0 % and basic metals by 2.5 %. Prices of food products increased by 2.5 %, in particular dairy products by 12.5 %, processed and canned meat and meat products by 1.3 % and vegetable and animal oils and fats by 7.0 %. Prices of other food products decreased by 2.0 % and of mill and starch products by 3.7 %. Prices of repair, maintenance and installation of machinery and equipment increased by 4.6 % and of motor vehicles (except motorcycles), trailers and semi-trailers by 1.2 %. When assessed by the main industry groups have increased year-on-year prices of non-durable goods and investment goods fell by 2.2 and 2.0 % respectively, while energy prices fell by 2.8 %. Prices industrial manufacturers without energy were higher by 1.1 % (1.5 % in January).

Prices construction works is estimated Monthly increased by 0.2 % and prices of materials and products used in construction by 0.1 1 %. Prices construction works with year-on-year are estimated to have increased by 2.4 % (the same as in January). Prices of materials and products consumed in the construction sector were 0.9 % higher yoy (0.8 % higher in January).

Prices market services for businesses with Monthly increased by 1.7 %. Prices for advertising and market research services increased by 16.2 %, prices for programming and broadcasting services by 15.7 % and prices for film, video and television production services by 12.2 %. Prices for security and search services increased by 6.6 %, for postal and courier services by 4.4 %, for employment services by 3.9 % and for insurance, reinsurance and pension funding services, excluding compulsory social security, by 3.2 %. Prices for management consultancy services fell by 0.9 %, for information services by 0.6 % and for land transport services by 0.3 %. Prices for market services for enterprises not including advertising services increased by 0.8 %. Prices market services for businesses were year-on-year Prices for security and search services rose by 12.1 %, for programming and broadcasting services by 11.0 %, for employment services by 8.6 % and for advertising and market research by 7.1 1 %. Prices for market services for businesses not including advertising services were higher by 3.2 % (the same as in January).

EU industrial producer prices - January 2025 (preliminary data)
In European Union (EU) countries, according to data published by Eurostat, prices industrial manufacturers in December Monthly prices increased by 0.8 % (up from 0.4 % in December), with the largest increases in Ireland, Bulgaria and Sweden of 6.2 %, 5.4 % and 2.3 % respectively. Prices were 0.4 % higher in Slovakia and 0.2 % higher in the Czech Republic. Prices remained unchanged in Germany and Poland. The largest price decreases were in Portugal by 2.2 %, Austria by 0.6 %, Slovenia by 0.5 % and Cyprus by 0.3 %. In December in the EU year-on-year Prices increased by 1.8 % (up 0.1 % in December), with the largest price increases in Ireland, Bulgaria and Denmark: 14.9 %, 14.4 % and 6.4 % respectively. Higher prices were recorded in Germany by 0.6 % and in the Czech Republic by 0.5 %, while lower prices were recorded in Slovakia by 2.7 %, in Austria by 1.8 % and in Poland by 0.4 %. The largest price decreases were in Lithuania by 5.3 %, in Luxembourg by 4.7 % and in Estonia by 4.5 %.
CSO/ gnews.cz - RoZ