Today Exchange rates (21.01.2025) | Google rate | Czech National Bank rate |
1 USD to CZK | 24.10 | 24.301 |
1 EUR to CZK | 25.19 | 25.175 |
1 PLN to CZK | 5.93 | 5.920 |
100 HUF to CZK | 6.120 | 6.120 |
1 GBP to CZK | 29.84 | 29.768 |
1 CHF to CZK | 26.68 | 26.709 |
1 CNY to CZK | 3.32 | 3.337 |
100 JPY to CZK | 15.54 | 15.611 |
100 RUB to CZK | 24.24 | |
Au GOLD oz | 2 744.77 | USD |
Ag SILVER oz | 30.84 | USD |
BTC Bitcoin | 103 752.40 | USD |
Overview of the latest economic events in the Czech Republic
In the past 24 hours, the Czech economy recorded several significant events. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) raised its estimate of global economic growth to 3.3 percent this year, which may have a positive impact on the Czech export sector. In addition, the US firm Westinghouse has agreed with the South Korean company KHNP to close all legal disputes, removing obstacles to the completion of the Dukovany nuclear power plant.
Foreign investments - trends and attractions: 24-hour overview
The Czech Republic continues to attract foreign investment, especially in the technology sector. The government has announced new incentives for foreign investors, which should boost economic growth and job creation. Foreign investors appreciate the country's stable political environment and skilled workforce.
Significant events outside the Czech Republic with global impact
At the global level, several key developments have taken place. The European Commission has launched an investigation into algorithms on social network X, which could impact technology firms operating in the EU. Furthermore, oil prices have reached their highest level since the summer, which could impact energy costs in the Czech Republic.
Impact on the Czech economy
These events may have different impacts on the Czech economy. An increase in global economic growth could boost Czech exports, while higher oil prices could increase costs for industrial enterprises and consumers. The removal of legal obstacles to the completion of Dukovany is a positive signal for the country's energy security.
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