As of 28 February 2025, the Labour Office of the Czech Republic registered a total of 326 223 job seekers, which was 5707 more than in January. The share of the unemployed at the end of February rose to 4.4 % (an increase of 0.1 percentage point). In the year-on-year comparison, the share of the unemployed was 0.4 percentage point higher, i.e. by 30,116 jobseekers. Compared to the previous month, the number of registered vacancies increased in February by 4,739 to a total of 88,062 (the figures cannot be compared with even earlier periods, given the significant change in the system for registering vacancies, where unfilled vacancies are automatically removed from the database after 6 months). The positive trend of growth in the intensity of active employment policy, including retraining, continues; the Labour Office managed to support 131 % more people with these instruments in February than in February last year (for retraining, this is a year-on-year increase of 80 %).
From January 2025, the monthly unemployment statistics published by the Labour Office of the Czech Republic regularly on the 6th working day of each month will have a new form, thanks to the new data warehouse of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic. All data documents can be found at, the data will be published at 12:00.
02/2025 | 01/2025 | 02/2024 | 02/2023 | |
Share of unemployed persons in the Czech Republic | 4.4 % | 4.3 % | 4.0 % | 3.9 % |
Number of jobseekers | 326 223 | 320 516 | 296 107 | 282 508 |
Number of vacancies | 88 062 | 83 323 | 268 579 | 283 097 |
"The good news is that active employment policy is working in our state. This year we have seen an increased interest in retraining. While last year a total of 7113 job seekers and job seekers were supported as of 28 February, this year 16 414 people were registered in the same period. This represents an increase of 131 %. The greatest interest is in retraining in the field of accounting or digital training. Special projects to support the employment of specific age groups are also running successfully, and we are not forgetting about supporting the employment of people with disabilities.," said the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Marian Jurečka (KDU-ČSL).
"Based on the February statistics, we are observing a trend of slowly rising unemployment. However, this will be mitigated in spring by the onset of seasonal work, which is naturally used more by men than women. However, the situation in the Czech Republic and in the European context is also very good according to long-term data. It is also positive that the number of vacancies we have recorded has increased by more than 5 % compared to January. The vast majority of people are not threatened by unemployment, but we will continue to help and support both those in difficulty and those who will be making a job change. We encourage everyone to keep up to date with their trade and qualifications, especially where the labour market makes it more difficult to find employment," says the Director General of the Labour Office of the Czech Republic Daniel Kristof.

"It is important to continuously acquire and strengthen primarily your digital skills and also take advantage of the courses we subsidise. People who have problems finding a job on the labour market, or who have low salaries or are not satisfied with their current job and are thinking about a new career direction should make the most of retraining courses from the Job Centre. It is also advisable to try out the selection procedure for a possible new job from time to time. Our specialists can help you with creating your CV, identifying a suitable job and preparing for the interview. We already have more than 80,000 participants in digital training as of 2024, but we want to attract many more people at risk of unemployment, especially those with lower education and in more vulnerable sectors." adds Daniel Krištof. In this context, he points out that 2/3 of all participants in digital training and retraining courses made up of women. For women who want to work alongside caring for young children, the newly established neighbourhood children's groups. The complete agenda of the children's groups should be taken over by the Labour Office of the Czech Republic after the President signs the law in May.
"According to our survey in cooperation with Behavio, nine out of 10 parents with young children under the age of four want to work, i.e. to manage both childcare and work. The data confirms this regardless of age, place of residence and educational attainment, but unfortunately only half of them actually work. The main barrier to their better labour market participation is the lack of childcare options, with more than half of parents with children under four having none at all or only intermittent care. We believe that neighbourhood groups will also help parents expand childcare options and balance family and professional life. Another obstacle is the lack of flexible forms of cooperation on the labour market, i.e. only 6 % part-time jobs, including temporary and seasonal help, while the EU average is 20 %, more than three times higher. This is also a challenge for employers who can tap into the huge potential, experience and interest of parents," describes the conditions affecting women with young children in particular Lucie Bášová, co-founder of MUMDOO, which helps parents to reconcile their private and professional lives.
Of the total number of registered jobseekers, the following were 168 137 women, these thus formed 51.5 % of the total number of jobseekers. The share of unemployed men and women increased to 4.2 and 4.6 % respectively. %.

Unemployment from a regional perspective
In the regional comparison, the share of unemployed persons (PNOs) increased month-on-month in 10 regions, most of all in the Karlovy Vary and Ústí nad Labem regions (by 0.2 percentage point). In absolute terms, the highest number of jobseekers in February 2025 compared to January was in the Capital City of Prague, where the share of unemployed persons increased by 0.2 percentage point. Prague, Moravian-Silesian and Ústí nad Labem regions. In terms of year-on-year comparison, the share of of the unemployed increased the most in the Karlovy Vary region compared to February 2024 (by 0.7 p.p.), followed by Ústí nad Labem, South Bohemia, Moravia-Silesia and Liberec - by 0.6 p.p.

As far as unemployment in individual districts is concerned, the in February, the districts of Most, Karviná and Bruntál had the highest share of unemployed persons - all over 8 %. On the other hand, very low unemployment under 3 % is registered by the Labour Office of the Czech Republic in districts of Prague-East and Prague-West, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Pelhřimov, Benešov and the capital city of Prague. If we look at the trends, then increased the most month-on-month share of unemployed persons in the district Sokolov (by 0.5 pp), Most (by 0.3 pp), Chomutov, Decin, Nymburk, Tábor, Chrudim, Cheb, Prostějov (all by 0.2 pp). Year-on-year in February to the highest increase unemployment in districts Most, Sokolov, Česká Lípa, Vsetín, Ostrava, Český Krumlov, Prostějov, Písek, Jihlava and Vyškov. The districts of Mělník and Prague maintained the same share of unemployed persons. No districts experienced a decrease in unemployment compared to February 2024.
More than a quarter fewer new registrants in February than in January
During February, the Labour Office of the Czech Republic 36 885 people have newly registered, of which 33 % did so independently online, having taken advantage of the new option to register using Client zones Jenda. This service available on you to apply for job placement and unemployment benefits at any time, regardless of office hours, and from anywhere, even from the comfort of your home. The number of newly registered persons in February was 13 595 fewer than in the previous month, mainly due to the dynamics of the employment relationship at the end of each year, but there was an increase of 1520 persons year-on-year.
About job placement and inclusion in the register Currently, people who come from e.g. retail, wholesale, metal construction, education, public administration and defence, and food production, are mainly applying for a job in the Czech Republic. Leaving aside Prague, which is considered as one region in the statistics, the in terms of districts, the most newly unemployed entered the registration of the ÚP ČR in the district Ostrava-city (1 556), least in the district Rokycany (149).
From the records of the ÚP ČR left in February 31 095 applicants, i.e. 4,533 fewer than in the previous month and 3,709 fewer than in February 2024. 26 040 people started a new job. Many of them have found employment in wholesale, retail, education, metal construction, public administration or healthcare.
The number of vacancies on the Labour Office's register increased by more than 5 %
By the end of February 2025, employers offered a total of 88 062 vacancies, which is 4739 more than in January (an increase of more than 5 %). On average, there are currently about 3.7 jobseekers per job vacancy in the Czech Republic, of which the most in the districts of Karviná (27.1), Děčín (15.2), Sokolov (14.3), Hodonín (13.3), Bruntál (11.6). It should be stressed that the data on vacancies, unlike the statistics on the registered unemployed, do not provide a comprehensive picture of the entire labour market, as many positions are filled outside the ÚP ČR. At 72.8 % of the reported vacancies, employers are looking for candidates with primary or lower education, 68.7 % then create vacancies suitable for foreigners. Employers have according to the records of the Labour Office of the Czech Republic most often interested building construction workers, forklift truck operators and warehouse workers, assembly workers, cooks, truck and tractor-trailer drivers or cleaners. Highest demand for new employees is in Prague (21 862 places) and in the Central Bohemian Region (15 928 places).
This year's data on job vacancies registered by the Labour Office cannot be compared with older statistics due to a change in the system of registering vacancies; unfilled vacancies are now automatically removed from the database after 6 months. An explanation can be found here:
The share of long-term unemployed is growing
Over the last 12 months, the structure of jobseekers according to the length of time they have been registered with the Office of the Labour Office of the Czech Republic has changed. Year-on-year comparison the proportion of those who have been out of work for less than three months has fallen, on the total number of unemployed by 3.0 p. p. to 31.7 %. This is a total of 103 410 persons. Conversely, the share of jobseekers who have been registered for more than 12 months increased by 2.2 percentage points to 30.8 % (100 399 persons). Average length of registration in February compared to January increased by two days to 471 days.

Just under 97 000 people received unemployment benefits
In February 2025, the total number of people receiving unemployment benefits was 96 839 people, which represents 29.7 % of all jobseekers (January - 30.4 %, February 2024 - 33.7 %).The number of jobseekers eligible for unemployment benefits fell by 2 985 year-on-year.
In February 2025, according to preliminary data, the ÚP paid out unemployment and retraining benefits total 1 312 002 thousand CZK (in January 2025, the total was CZK 1 163 319 thousand).
Active employment policy: half as many people retrained since January compared to last year
The ÚP of the Czech Republic pays increased attention to all groups of applicants and candidates at risk of long-term unemployment. Through active employment policy instruments (AEP), the Labour Office supported, as of 28 February a total of 16 414 jobseekers and jobseekers (this is the total number of all jobseekers or jobseeker applicants who were using any of the AEI tools at the end of February 2025). In the same period last year, a total of 7113 people were supported under all ALMP instruments, representing an increase of 131 %.
For example, in the framework of community service (VPP) employed 217 people at the end of February. A new tool, which the Labour Office of the Czech Republic is currently piloting, is integration workplace. As of the end of February 2025, 63 people were using this tool, which is aimed at people with cumulative social disabilities and which includes, in addition to employment, other individual social support for the employed person. The employment of 4,874 people was supported by funding under the earmarked socially useful jobs (Employers have created completely new jobs for 19 people, under which the ÚP ČR contributes to their equipment (SÚPM). Another 600 former jobseekers were running their own businesses at the end of February 2025 with support obtained through SÚPM. The return to the labour market is also assisted by regional mobility allowance. At the end of February 2025, the ÚP supported 524 people in this way.

The ÚP ČR also pays increased attention to persons with disabilities (PWD). It also provides employment support allowances for them. As of the end of February, 301 PWD were supported in this way. retrainingwhich the Labour Office of the Czech Republic uses to financially assist not only job seekers but also job applicants, i.e. those who have a job. As of 28 February 2025 6338 people participated (as of 29. 2. 2024 it was 3507 people, i.e. it is 80 % more year-on-year). Since the beginning of the year, i.e. in the first two months of 2025, 9224 clients of the ÚP ČR have already participated in retraining, which is 54 % more year-on-year.
Special projects for the elderly and the young and educational courses
The Labour Office, with the support of EU funds and the state budget of the Czech Republic, implements special projects to support the employment of specific age groups. Project Age is not a barrier focuses on people aged 55 and over, who are helped by the experts of the Labour Office to return to the labour market, offering them training and retraining courses in various fields, providing counselling, etc. Other projects are Guarantees for the young targeting women and men under 30 and the project A new stage covering the 30-54 age group.
Especially among the older population, the Job Centre focuses on supporting the development of digital literacy and cyber security by offering a wide range of courses, even for complete beginners. In pursuit of these objectives, it seeks to establish partnerships with institutions that support public education. One such partner is the network of libraries across the country, where they collaborate to publish information about our projects and provide help and support to their patrons. If we look in detail at applications for subsidised retraining, the greatest interest is in creation of web applications and graphics. The following also remain popular retraining in accounting and taxation.
Courses are very popular digital education even though they are implemented outside the existing retraining system and there is a financial participation of the applicant. They focus on the development of IT and Industry 4.0 skills. As of February 2025, applicants had submitted over 6,000 applications, which represents a slight decrease compared to January, but is more than triple year-on-year. Artificial intelligence is still the most popular topic - courses on this topic took 8 of the top 10 spots in terms of applications, with digital marketing courses taking the remaining two spots.
Regarding gender distribution, Women accounted for 63 % of all those interested in the chosen retraining and digital training courses.
ÚP ČR/ - RoZ