This development was mainly influenced by higher prices in the food and non-alcoholic beverages section. Year-on-year, consumer prices rose by 2.8 % in November as in October.
Month-on-month comparison
Month-on-month, consumer prices rose by 0.1 % in November. In the food and non-alcoholic beverages section, prices of eggs in particular increased by 23.3 %, meat by 0.4 % and cheese and curd by 1.3 %. In the transport division, prices of fuels and oils increased by 0.8 %. The month-on-month decrease in the overall price level in November was mainly driven by prices in the alcoholic beverages, tobacco section, where prices of spirits in particular fell by 2.1 1 %. In the home furnishings, household equipment section, prices of household appliances and equipment were mainly lower by 1.8 %.
Prices of goods in aggregate and prices of services rose by 0.1 %.

Year-on-year comparison
"In November, prices rose by 2.8 % compared to last year, the same as in October. However, the evolution of prices in different sections of the consumer basket was different. The only section where prices fell year-on-year was the clothing and footwear section, by less than 1 %," said the head of the Consumer Price Statistics Department of the CZSO Pavla Šedivá.
Year-on-year, consumer prices rose by 2.8 % in November as in October. However, price developments in the different sections of the consumer basket varied in November. To Acceleration The year-on-year price increases occurred mainly in the food and non-alcoholic beverages section, where prices in the milk, cheese, eggs group went from a decline of 0.1 % in October to a rise of 4.3 % in November, of which egg prices went from a decline of 5.6 % in October to a rise of 31.7 % in November. Meat prices fell by 1.3 % (down 3.4 % in October). In contrast, the housing section saw a Slowdown price increases. Electricity prices rose by 9.2 % (up by 10.5 % in October) and gas prices fell by 2.9 % (down by 2.3 % in October). Price developments in the transport division were mainly influenced by a moderation in the decline in fuel and oil prices. These were down by 7.6 % yoy in November (down by 11.4 % in October).
On a year-on-year basis price level increase prices in the housing section continued to have the largest impact in November, where (in addition to the above-mentioned) the prices of rent from an apartment rose by 6.3 %, goods and services for the routine maintenance of an apartment by 4.0 %, water charges by 10.9 %, sewerage charges by 13.4 %, and heat and hot water by 8.5 %. Next in order of influence were prices in the alcoholic beverages, tobacco section, where prices of spirits increased by 3.3 %, beer by 3.0 % and tobacco products by 7.0 %. Wine prices decreased by 2.0 % year-on-year. In the food and accommodation division, prices of food services and accommodation services were higher by 6.7 and 8.8 % respectively. In the recreation and culture division, prices for full-service holidays increased by 6.6 %. Prices in the clothing and footwear division were responsible for the year-on-year decline in the overall price level in November, with prices of clothing falling by 0.5 % and footwear by 2.3 %.
The cost of owner-occupied housing (imputed rent) rose by 1.5 % yoy (1.7 % in October), mainly due to the rise in new property prices. The aggregate consumer price index excluding the cost of owner-occupied housing was 103.0 %.
Aggregate prices of goods rose by 1.4 % and prices of services by 5.2 %.
The level of the base period average 2015 CPI was 152.4 % in November (152.3 % in October).
The inflation rate, expressed as the increase in the average consumer price index over the past 12 months compared with the average of the previous 12 months, was 2.7 % in November (3.1 1 % in October).

Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP)
According to preliminary HICP calculations in November in the Czech Republic Monthly increased by 0.1 % and year-on-year by 3.1 % (3.0 % in October). According to flash estimates. Eurostat was year-on-year HICP change in November 2024 for the Eurozone 2.3 % (2.0 % in October), 2.4 % in Germany and 3.6 % in Slovakia. The highest was in Belgium in November (5.0 %) and the lowest in Ireland (0.5 %). According to preliminary Eurostat data, the year-on-year HICP change The 27 EU countries in October 2.3 %, which was 0.2 percentage point higher than in September. It was highest in October in Romania (5.0 %) and lowest in Slovenia (0.0 %).
More information on the Eurostat website HICP.
CSO/ gnews - RoZ