Are we victims of matter or creators of energy?
Cultivating one's own energy by consciously tending to one's vibrational field and chakra system may seem esoteric and far from real life at first glance - but if we look beneath the surface of this system, we find that this tending is very practical in life. It can be one of the very functional tools to support overall quality of life. By integrating this conscious cultivation, we can very significantly support our physical health, our mental frame of mind, even our mental performance, the quality of our emotions, and ultimately the quality of the relationships we live. I dare say also the overall development of our life, or "destiny". I offer insight into the system of energy work so that you can understand the interconnections between how you think, what you experience and how you feel in your body and what you face in life.
Do you think that chakras do not concern you, or are you afraid that you are not sufficiently trained to work with them?
Wrong. Our body, mind and the emotions we experience every day are directly connected to the energy centres, called chakras. There are individuals among us who deny their existence, but this does not mean that they are not under the influence of the chakra-energy system.
No special training or clairvoyant skills are required to work with the chakra system. A sincere intention, the ability to observe, the courage to discover previously unrecognized connections, and the will to embark on the path of cultivating a more mature, open, and aware version of oneself are enough to get started. As we consciously work with the chakras, our general sensitivity and receptivity grows proportionately and can help us add to the scraps of knowledge and experience. Both about ourselves and the world around us. We find ourselves on a kind of spiral of life knowledge and energy that carries us upwards... But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's explain energy and chakra work through the eyes of our rationale.
Matter or energy?
Most people consider the world of matter to be the real reality, because we can perceive it with our senses and then process it with our minds. According to the laws of physics, however, energy does not cease, but is only transformed, i.e. transformed. What happens to life energy after the body dies? And what about at birth? The force that shapes the body and its faculties comes from the primordial, so-called absolute energy, Prana. We already call the concrete manifestation of this energy at the level of the body prana with a small "p". In the Chinese and Japanese traditions, this energy is called CHI. Life energy flows (or ideally it should flow, because its stagnation leads to imbalance and eventually to disease) at the level of the body, emotions and mind through complex systems. Without energy, matter is dead. These systems are:
- Vibrational fields or "energy" bodies - are energy fields, auras, that radiate our inner energy state of body, mind, emotions and spirit.
- Chakras or energy distribution centres - on the one hand they function as antennas receiving energy from the environment (from nature, the Sun, the cosmos, from other beings, people...) and on the other hand they radiate energy depending on the quality of the internal energy nourishment and energy distribution by means of nadis. Thanks to the chakras, we are always in direct interaction with the forces that act at different levels of our being and influence the quality of our life. Whether we acknowledge it or not.
- Hope, the energy conduitswhich we can think of as energy arteries. Some sources mention 72 thousand nadis, other historical texts mention even 350 thousand nadis on the human body. The most important ones are the central channels of Sushumna, Ida and Pingala. They run in the spinal region and connect the entire energy system of the body. The Chinese and Japanese know a similar system of energy channels, which they call meridians.
How do energy fields affect our daily lives?
Quite fundamentally - at the level of physical health, physical resilience and immunity, at the level of emotions and the meanings we attach to our experiences, at the level of the mind and the way we think (which can be intuitive or more rational in nature), and last but not least at the level of the overall quality of life as we perceive and experience it.
I invite you to take a practical and brief excursion into the vibrational bodies so that you can understand certain connections between action/reaction experiences in your life ... i.e. how specifically do vibrational fields affect your immunity, mental state or the development of "destiny"?
- Ethereal vibrational field
is approximately the same shape and size as the human body. Its aura slightly transcends the specific physical body it protects energetically. It carries the creative and vital life force to the entire organism. Interestingly, the etheric physical body is created anew with each incarnation and, according to sources, ceases to exist three to five days after the death of the physical body. If this vibratory body is disturbed and weakened (for example, due to negative thoughts or burdensome emotions), disease sets in. Not due to the influence of the outside world, but due to disharmony and lack of nourishment within the body. Before the disease manifests itself directly on the physical body, a disturbance of the aura can be seen.
Practical awareness for life
Disease does not come from the outside world, we open the gates of disease either consciously or unconsciously by adjusting our etheric field. The sooner we are willing to relinquish the position of "victim," the sooner we will experience a sense of health.
How to harmonize and strengthen your etheric field?
Plants and trees emit an energy field very close to ours. It is therefore great to go into nature often, spend time in the garden, among the trees, or use aromatherapy, as essential oils carry qualities that harmonise the etheric field.
- Emotional (astral) vibratory field
It is the carrier of our feelings, emotions and character traits. The aura of the emotional body can radiate up to several meters around a person. This emotional field is highly variable. It emanates certain permanent qualities based on a person's character and attitude; on the other hand, it emanates the variability of the emotions and feelings we are currently experiencing. Strong negative emotions (anger, rage, fear, despair...) color this field in different colors than uplifting emotions like love, compassion, understanding. In addition to short-term feelings, long-term unrelieved emotions, fears, lack of love or self-confidence are also "trapped" in this aura. These trapped emotions then attract similar frequencies with their vibrations. This is why people in a certain emotional frame of mind encounter situations that reinforce their original frame of mind. Both in a negative and destructive context and in a creative and uplifting one. This is where the often mentioned "mirroring" comes in. It is also worth noting that the emotional vibrational field does not cease after death. On the contrary, it passes with its qualities into the next incarnation.
Practical awareness for life
Have you ever felt like you were experiencing unexplained fears and other limiting feelings? You are probably carrying unreleased experiences trapped in your emotional field, and they are affecting the circumstances of your current life.
How to harmonize your emotional field?
Give up evaluating and dividing experiences into good and bad. That's what rationality does. Of course, labeling often leads to storing more trauma and reinforcing internal energy blocks. It is important to remember that "everything that comes into our lives carries a message". So it is necessary to accept what comes and take the knowledge from each experience with gratitude, not bitterness. And if the "shadow" of an unwanted emotion comes from within us, it is fine to experience that emotion, acknowledge it, and let it go. This cleanses the emotional body.
- Mental vibration field
It is the carrier of our thoughts, ideas, rational and intuitive knowledge. It is rational thinking, by which most people seek the path to truth, that is tied to the perception of the physical world and matter. It is generally of a lower vibration and its ability to understand tends to be distorted by unreleased emotional structures from the emotional field that attach meanings to life experiences. This leads to a chain of repetitive thought patterns by which we judge events around us. Thus, rational reason cannot be impartial and objective as is generally claimed.
In contrast, thinking and knowing in the form of intuition and sudden promptings coming from the spiritual field is open to receive and integrate truth that is in accordance with universal laws. This knowledge may come in the form of images or sounds which the mind translates into thoughts and words. These knowledges convey insight into the true nature and essence of things and experiences.
Practical awareness for life
Self-reflection: to what extent do you let your life choices be constrained by your old experiences and emotional traumas, and to what extent do you make room for new possibilities without pre-judging them? Try to notice when old fears and pains take away your freedom and prevent you from joy.
How to harmonize your emotional field?
We have access to the higher vibrations of the mental field through the sixth and seventh chakras, the third eye and the top of the head. Try to consciously connect these places with your breath.
- Spiritual (Causal) Vibrational Field
It has the highest vibration of all the fields and thus affects the quality of vibration of all the other fields, which it raises to the highest possible expression. Through the spiritual field we experience inner unity and harmony with the rest of existence. It is also that divine part within us that is immortal and persists all the way through evolution. Only through the spiritual vibrational field can we know our source and fully understand the meaning of our life.
Practical awareness for life
Self-reflection: Have you ever been in the presence of a spiritually enlightened person, master or teacher and felt bliss, inner peace, growing strength, joy and happiness? You have probably experienced the power of the aura of his or her spiritual field, which can extend for miles.
Now that we understand the influence of the energies of the vibrational fields on our being and living, we can move on to the chakra system.
Chakra system
Some sources state that there are over 88,000 chakras, or "distributaries" of energy, in the human body. Thus, each organ or organ system is very sensitive to the type of energy it receives. The most important chakras are located in the spleen, neck, hands and feet. The seven major chakras are located along the main axis of the body, the spine, on the front side. It is from the front of the body (etheric field) that the so-called kshetrama, a kind of gateway to the chakras, are located. Chakras can be thought of as a flower, often referred to as a lotus flower, precisely because of their funnel-like open shape. The division of the flower into individual petals depicts the channels of energy, the nadis, through which energy flows into the chakras and is carried on into the vibratory fields. The symbolic number of petals of the lotus flower of each chakra corresponds to the number of channels that bring energy into the chakra. From four for the root chakra to a thousand for the crown chakra.
What accounts for the difference between men and women?
There may be several explanations, but there is a very interesting observation regarding the direction of rotation of the individual chakras, which is different in women and men. Each chakra carries with it certain qualities and their development. The direction of rotation to the right signifies the yang masculine aspect, ACTIVE attitude and WILL, also AGGRESSIVITY and VIOLENCE in excessive expression. The direction of rotation to the left denotes the yin feminine aspect, ACCESSIBILITY AND PASSIVITY, and in excess, WEAKNESS. This observation is good to consider when exploring the context of chakra work. It can lead us to interesting and valuable AHA moments in the context of knowing ourselves, our partner or our loved ones. Knowledge about chakra rotation can also be used in certain types of therapies.
Seven-year development cycle
All evolution of nature happens in cycles, man is no exception. Obviously, we face challenges of different nature throughout our lives, we are open to different influences and experiences, to knowledge. Some anthroposophical systems work with the developmental cycle, such as Waldorf pedagogy, and it is noteworthy that these systems are consistent with the teachings on the functions and roles of the chakra system. Every seven years the influence of one chakra (starting with the first root chakra) dominates. At the same time, during this seven-year period, the other chakras (from the first to the seventh) gradually alternate in their influence. Invariably, the main influence of one chakra is dominant for the whole seven-year cycle, determining also the main theme for this period. A secondary role is then played by another chakra which carries the theme for one year. In this way we pass year by year through the other developmental stages. The basic transformation is always possible every seven years. At the age of 49, i.e. 7 chakras times 7 years, we complete the first developmental cycle of knowledge. Then we open the second round, which some complete at the blessed age of 98.
The chakra system, the main themes and areas of life that influence
- Chakra - root chakra, MULADHARA
The first chakra is located in the region of the perineum, at the root of the spine. In men the root chakra turns to the right, in women to the left.
The basic principle of chakra: the physical will to be
Harmonising colour: red
The first chakra represents the energetic connection to Mother Earth, is the nourishment of the body's matter. It promotes the health of the cells of the whole body, all tissues and organs. The first chakra represents the confidence in life, is a safe homewhich provides Background, support, gives Stability a inner strength.
- Chakra - sacral, SVADHISTANA
The second chakra is located in the lower abdomen. In women it is right-handed, in men left-handed.
The basic principle of chakra: creation and reproduction of being
Harmonising colour: orange
The second chakra supports and harmonizes everything liquid in the body - blood and lymphatic circulation, digestive juices and other fluids. At the same time, it is also related to everything else that flows and flows, such as just emotions. The second chakra improves the emotional experience, Harmonizes intimate life, promotes sexuality, boosts inspiration and overall creativity.
- Chakra - solar plexus, MANIPURA
It is located in the area of the solar plexus. In women left-sided, in men right-sided.
The basic principle of chakra: formation of being
Harmonising colour: yellow
Manipura is related to by force of personality, courage, confidence a internal stability. Conscious care of the third chakra supports the journey towards the realisation of life's goals. The third chakra is with an inner firethat strengthens, but can also burn uncompromisingly. It is a source of inner light.
- Chakra - Heart, ANAHATA
It is located in the region of the heart. In women, right-sided, in men, left-sided.
The basic principle of chakra: surrender of being
Harmonising colour: green and pink
The heart chakra is related to the ability to perceive and experience warmth, kindness, compassion, love. Both towards yourself and towards your surroundings. Consciously tending to the fourth chakra promotes love for oneself and one's surroundings, opens the heart to accept life as it is, in its variety and with confidence in the whole process guided by forces and energies far beyond the ken of our race.
- Chakra - communication, VIŠUDHI
It is located in the throat area. In women left-sided, in men right-sided.
The basic principle of chakra: harmony with being
Harmonising colour: sky blue
Vishuddhi is the chakra of communication, related to the ability to communicate both with herself and with her environment. On the one hand, conscious care of the fifth chakra promotes self-knowledge in authenticity and naturalness, encourages Listening a hearing the inner voice a k open communication with yourself. On the other hand, the harmonic function of the fifth chakra encourages honest and open communication with the outside world. Over the neck area we express everything that lives within us: our laughter, our crying, our feelings and emotions, our intentions, wishes, thoughts, opinions, fears and our overall perception of the world.
- Chakra - third eye, Ajna
The third eye is located in the area between the eyebrows, in the middle of the forehead. In women it is right-handed, in men left-handed.
The basic principle of chakra: knowledge of being
Harmonising colour: indigo
Ajna is the chakra of opening of inner sight. Harmonization of the sixth chakra supports trust in yourself and your inner wisdom. Sometimes we perceive and see the world around us through the limited view of a telescope. We focus our attention on one object, situation, problem and the interconnections and connections are missed. It's like walking into a dark space and shining a pocket flashlight that only illuminates part of the whole... But if we open our inner eyes wide, we can see the whole picture.
- Chakra - crown, SAHASRARA
The seventh chakra can be imagined as a crown or halo shining with golden white light on the top of the head. In women it is left-handed, in men right-handed.
The basic principle of chakra: pure being
Harmonising colour: golden white
Sahastrara is the chakra of spiritual knowledge. The knowledge that comes to us through the seventh, crown chakra goes far beyond the guidance of ratium or intuition. When the seventh chakra opens, we cease to be separate from the whole and perceive unity. By harmonizing the seventh chakra, we harmonize the entire chakra system. We connect the energy of the body with the divine light.
Do you prefer science or spirituality?
Just as we observe the vibrations of energy and their different effects on our overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state when we learn more deeply about the chakras, scientists observe different levels of vibrations of energy affecting the manifestation of matter. A scientific field that has been intensely involved in this exploration is quantum physics. At the same time, neuroscience and epigenetics are concerned with the influence of emotional experience on the state of the physical body. The production of neurotransmitters, biochemical conductors in the brain, in response to emotional experience, stimulates genes stored in our genome. These can be both health promoting and disease developing. Studies in these aforementioned fields of science confirm what we know about chakras and vibrational field energy systems. Some cultures for many thousands of years...
Does matter rule energy or energy rule matter? Are we victims of matter or powerful creative creatures? Do we have freedom of choice? You can answer for yourself. One thing is certain. A consciously chosen thought begins the process of transformation.
Author of the article: Mgr. Mgr. Vybíral Pastrňáková, mentor of functional movement, conscious mind work and biohacking, author of meditations for chakra harmonization,
Article published with the kind permission of the magazine Sphere - HeK