If we want to change something in our lives, to deal with a situation differently - in a new way, the mind will resist a lot and create catastrophic scenarios. Scare! Because it has no new solution in its database. Western civilization has been taught from a very young age to develop the mind. "Think with your head! What you have it for!" And so we gradually lose the ability to perceive and feel and just think. That's why we have to learn so much, that is, to fill up the data bank as much as possible so that the mind has enough data.
The mind is an integral part of our being and we could probably find an endless list of situations where it is very necessary. Yes, it is. But there are also situations where it makes life very difficult. For it is purely analytical and works ONLY with the known. In fact, we could compare the mind to a computer that generates answers based on stored previous experiences.
You go for a walk with a small child and he sees a sparrow. He cries out with joy: "Pipi." His little eyes light up and he watches the fluffy little animal. He devours its every movement. He laughs out loud when the sparrow jumps. The little kid doesn't have the relevant data in his mind database. He's just observing with his heart and experiencing the present. And that presence fills him with happiness and joy.
We, as "smart" adults, immediately explain to the child that it is a sparrow. A common and even useless bird. We'll populate the database with the necessary data. And what does that do to the child's life?
We're going for a walk again. The child sees a sparrow. He says, "Sparrow." He's being praised for his exemplary work with the database. Unfortunately, that's the end of the sparrow encounter. The mind has taken control of the situation. The heart is silent.
Answer for yourself how our "smart" data has enriched the life of a child...
"Thinking means judging. You see something and you judge it. Either you appreciate something or you reject it." (OSHO)
You see a flower, you either say it is beautiful or you say it is not beautiful. You begin to judge its qualities and characteristics. Your mind immediately sends a query to the database and returns the values that fit the flower. The analysis begins. Data from the past is brought into the present and shaped by it. As soon as the past enters the present, you have missed the present. If you say, "This flower is beautiful," it is a past experience. You have known, you have judged. You have expressed its qualities in words. Words are judgment. Now you no longer see the flower. Between you and the flower stands your judgment of its beauty. Your past experience.
You'll fall in love. It's a beautiful feeling. The feeling of having a being come into your life who made you willing to open your heart to the fullest. And that powerful flow of Love through your heart caused that euphoric state, the state of falling in love. Your beloved stands before you. And here it comes: He is beautiful! He is attentive! He is thoughtful! He's... And it's done! Standing between you and your sweetheart is your assessment - "The Poster Boy". What's next? Your sweetheart starts peeking out from behind the poster. He starts destroying him. Shouting, "Hello! Here I am!" Until he finally does. And what will he hear now? "You've completely changed! I don't know you like this!" And we'll close our hearts for good measure. And yet our dear one was only pointing out the screen your mind has put between you.
What about it? Exactly what Eastern methodology teaches. Observe! Not analyze.
"If you analyze, you go around and around. If you observe, you have stepped out of the circle." (OSHO)
If I tell you, "Look at the flower, but don't think," then speaking is not allowed. Then what can you do? You can just be an observer. If you are present without thinking, if you are just looking at something, that is observation. So observation means passive consciousness. Thinking is active, you are doing something. Whatever you are seeing, you are doing something with it. You are not just passive, you are not just a mirror - you are doing something. And once you are doing something, then you have already changed that thing. That thing no longer exists in your life. It exists only as a projection of your mind. Observation is the experience of pure being. It is you and it is the flower. By observing you have the opportunity to experience the present, to experience meeting the flower, to become it.
It's the same with our beloved. There's not much to explain here.
Our most beautiful moments are when we are silent in each other's arms or when we hold hands in silence.
Just be. Just watching. Just to feel. To be one. Ah!
To experience, to observe, to be in the present... leave out the words. When you eat, eat without words. When you go - go - don't speak. Just go, even for a few seconds, and you will see another world - a world without words, a real world, not the world of the mind that one has created within oneself. Enjoy the "here and now!"
I wish you loving days.
Article published with the kind permission of the magazine Sphere
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