Back pain and spinal problems are certainly among the most common health problems of modern civilization. In the spine we can read like in a book - each vertebra is related to a certain organ, part of the body and also a psychological problem.
There are 7 cervical vertebrae (C1-C7) and very important is 3. cervical vertebrawhich, if blocked, affects our psyche and health. It is also related to the trigeminal nerve, tinnitus, teeth and acne and eczema. Mentally, it is related to our indecisiveness, low self-confidence and the fact that we put more on ourselves than we can handle. Therefore, after unblocking this vertebra, patients usually get relief immediately. The cervical spine is also related to our lumbar region - it affects the upper part of the spine and vice versa. Everything is connected in the body. 7. cervical vertebra often protrudes and forms a hump - it is related to the shoulders and thyroid gland. In terms of psyche, also with anger and holding tension in. Dorn's method can be used to bring back the vertebrae beautifully, the important thing is, of course, practice.
When the spine is not properly aligned, our body collapses like a house of cards.
There are 12 thoracic vertebrae (Th1-Th12) and it's related to our lungs, breathing and heart. If a rib is blocked - we have a feeling of a heart attack - a feeling that we cannot breathe properly. People who are always hunched over at the computer, walking or driving a car have their rib cage constricted and the organs in it (heart, lungs) cannot work properly. The rib cage can drop by up to 12 cm with prolonged hunching, putting pressure on the organs of digestion - stomach problems begin. Further pressure on the intestines causes peristalsis problems and can lead to pelvic rotation, which in turn is related to the hips, knees and ankles. Eventually, the vault collapses and our body collapses like a house of cards.
It is enough to open and straighten the chest again with the right exercises, technique and breathing, and gradually flatten the pelvis with the given exercises. The Dorn method is very effective. If we relax the interscapular muscles during the massage, the client will also get a lot of relief in the lung and digestive planes. Flasks or other techniques can also help. The thoracic spine is psychologically related to our receiving and giving, our self-love our fear of life.
The lower back consists of 5 lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5) - it's an area of weakened kidneys - relationships and our fears. With clients I often start by just putting my hands on them to make them feel safe and receive warmth and love. It happens that just touching them makes them cry and give vent to their emotions.
I teach my clients my favorite set of exercises that I got from my longtime teacher and amazing therapist and person Vladimír Nerud: If we relax the pelvis and return it to the central position, everything that is stored in the pelvis will align and adjust - female problems, menstrual pain, constipation, bowel problems, urinary problems.
5 sacral vertebrae (S1-S5) form our backbone and connect us to mother earth. We often hear about the 1st chakra and it is really very important. Let's try breathing sometimes as if through the tailbone, our root chakra into our belly - this will beautifully release anything that is tight inside us.
REFLEXION THERAPY of the feet and ears is very effective for spinal problems.
Wherever your back hurts, you need to reflexively influence the cervical and thoracic spine. Gently massage the area representing the whole spine, pay more attention to the sensitive and painful areas, and massage several times a day when you have pain.
The composition of the diet is also important - Avoid acid-forming foods such as sugar, meat and animal proteins, hard cheeses, coffee, alcohol, black tea, fruit teas, and avoid eggplant-like vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers) - they contain solanine, which binds salt in the ligament sheaths and causes joint and spinal pain. Conversely, include plenty of vegetables, cooked and raw, whole grains, legumes.
And, of course, let's not forget the right regular physical activity!
In conclusion, I would like to add that our spine is our life - the life we live is the spine we have. SO LET US LIVE IN LOVE AND LISTEN TO OUR BODIES.
Article published with the kind permission of the magazine Sphere - HeK