Those who are familiar with names like Brigita Volná, Lada Kroftová, Irena Meierová or Verunka Sadková will easily associate them with the series The Rose Garden, V.I.P. Homicide, Nineties a Poste restante. And of course, she knows that the one who connects it all is Veronika Petrova. Apparently, she has other roles to her name, she has made 20 TV series, played in the theatre, but Veronika's life is not exclusively about acting. Previously, in addition to acting, she was also a presenter. Now, she focuses on a patented personal development project for the development of human potential called Happy mind. The following interview is not only about that.
If I look to your websiteI can see what you are involved in: moderating; individual and team coaching; coaching the 5 Tibetans; meditation and mindfulness; herbs; acting. Which of these services that are listed do you like to do the most, what is closest, most natural to you?
If the word most natural didn't come up, I would say acting, because that's what I started with, I have a degree in dramatic arts and moderation, but now it wouldn't be so natural for me, because it's playing different roles.
So the most natural thing for me is coaching - guiding people inward, asking questions, and then painting customized energy pictures for a particular person, couple or group of people.
I'm sorry, but I don't see painting paintings in the menu, what do I imagine it means?
I sit down with the client/clients, I ask various questions about what I need to know to create the energy picture, or conversely the client comes to me with a specific thing they want to address, and then I paint the picture accordingly, which they hang where they need it in the room to give them the energy and what they want to manifest in physical reality. That's what I enjoy the most right now.
How did you get into painting and why customized energy paintings?
For a long time I saw in my head a white canvas and the fact that I was dipping my fingers into the paint and then spraying the paint on the canvas. Putting in positive, let's say vibes or words like happiness, love, abundance, health, peace, etc. depending on the feeling and what is going through me at the time.
I've picked it up and I'm still picking it up, so I have different patterns, Metatron's cube, the Flower of Life, these are powerful spiritual symbols, sacred geometry. With a client or even a couple, we agree on what they want in the image and I put it in for them - love, health, abundance, dream home, etc. depending on their current situation.
It should be mentioned that all this should be taken in perspective. In my experience, you don't always get what you want, but what will help you the most in the future. However, the image should be a reminder of positive energy and thinking towards set goals, dreams and wishes.
Okay, but let's get back to the services. You mentioned coaching first. Before we get into that, who can do coaching? It's probably not about someone waking up in the morning and saying: I'm going to coach.
So there's a lot of people who say they're going to be coaches and go and open a business. Good for them, that's everybody's business. For me, the path is my responsibility to make sure that I don't hurt anybody, that I work really competently, and that's not to say that a person without education and certifications can't have that, it's just that I chose that path and it all gradually built up. It was all about the development of my soul, which I had neglected in my life, and the gradual transfer of life experience.
As it has already been said, I studied acting - dramatic arts and moderation. Since I love travelling, I continued my studies at the University of Business in Prague, majoring in tourism. And because I still couldn't get it, I decided to move up in my degree in coaching and neuroscience and now I am working towards my ACC certification with the International Coach Federation (International Coaching Federation - ICF).
So here we are at coaching. How do clients get to you? Do you approach them yourself, or do they contact you?
Clients contact me themselves. As it happens, most of the time when I work on a topic myself, I get a call from someone who wants to help or move forward on that topic. That's how it works for me.
The most ideal is to get on the web Book a date for an introductory session which lasts about 15 minutes where we introduce ourselves to each other, see if we fit humanly, if the energy works between us and if I can be helpful in the topic the client is addressing.
It is important to mention the difference between coaching and mentoring. People often think that a coach will solve everything for them, give them advice, etc. It doesn't work that way. A coach is there to get to the heart of the matter with pertinent questions to help their client figure out how to address the challenge, how to move it forward or change it. Mentors who are knowledgeable about the topic advise. I make a lot of use of my spiritual knowledge, or mentor in the area of psychic skill development, such as meditation, mindfulness, chakra and energy system work, visualization, autogenic training, biohacking, etc.
So if we agree, what's the sequel? Will there be any, what shall we call it, interviews? And how many and how often?
Let's not say interview, that's what you do when you're looking for a job, it's a consultation 🙂 . You can take maybe just one hour, but I'm just saying we can lightly touch on something there. I have a comprehensive three month program, 12 hours, according to the Results Coaching system, which is based on results and moving forward towards set goals. Goals, strategies, and moving forward towards the goal. Aha moments, milestones, subconscious programs, behavioral patterns and the discovery of other facts in your inner world, their subsequent processing and thus gradual inner liberation.
When I was still in theatre and television, I was looking for a way to achieve my "childhood dreams". When you start to get interested, it's good to read books, observe and then correct yourself, listen to older and more experienced people. I put a lot of give and take on thousands of years of tradition and what has been around for a long time. Hence the practice of the 5 Tibetans, interest in Indian and shamanic culture, Celts, etc.
I found a lot of the answers to my questions in neuroscience, which is the Results Coaching system, which also gave me a system in my chaotic world to work with my goals, dreams and desires and I continue to use that for the benefit of my clients.
Three months, 12 hours - that's once a week? Can you tell us more - how does it work?
Coaching is very much about the client. I'm here to ask, and I do, but what the client does afterwards outside of the coaching period, which is the most important part, is up to the client.
The first session is about the three primary goals. We'll find three primary goals together. Primary means main, you come to me, for example, that you would like to - tell me yourself, what would you like to have at the moment, for example, if you want to share something?
I can't think of anything primary, I have enough problems with myself...
I would start by saying not problems, but challenges. You have a lot of challenges. Not problems, but you have challenges. We all have them. Does that sound a little better to you?
That's really kind of creepy. You can't help it once you say it. When a challenge is said, it motivates me to take on that challenge and either I'm going to conquer it or I'm not.
Yes, that's right. I hardly even use the word problem anymore.
It may be wordsmithing, but using the right words in the right place can change the whole mindset?
Yes, it's true. I'm glad for that, because that's exactly how I work with myself, because after all, our minds do play out these negative horror scenarios and I don't know what all, but we can keep rewriting it with that awareness.
It's like my painting. A lot of people deal with it in adulthood being blocked by either parents or teachers or whoever, and then kids carry it around their whole lives and are afraid to go beyond that. Overall, coaching helps to overcome just those fears, let's say even the traumas that we went through as children, because we all carry some of our trauma from childhood or even from adulthood, like being yelled at and you're hypersensitive, it could be the doctor's inappropriate choice of words during surgery under anesthesia, etc. I've only listed the smallest things that happen or can happen in a person's life, with the understanding that those hurts or traumas are there to stay unless we try to rewrite them in physical reality.
Coaching can also address issues such as relationship problems, problems at work, work-life balance, healthy lifestyle, bad habits and how to work with them, new habits. Overall, everything should be about life balance and harmony. Then we are calmer, more balanced and enjoy life more.
In the first question I listed other services, so let's take them one by one - the ancient technique of the 5 Tibetans. Some people might think it's some kind of yoga, if I say so, right?
It's yoga-type, because yoga is yoga itself. And I wouldn't call the 5 Tibetans some yoga, because for example, for me the 5 Tibetans is more important than yoga because it's an ancient technique that is called the secret of eternal youth. These five exercises, called rhythms, come from the Tibetan monks in the monastery. It helps with headaches, back or joint pain and above all serves as a preventive health measure. It stimulates the endocrine glands, which are responsible for vitality and many other functions. Furthermore, the exercise harmonizes the chakras, the energy system of a person and for me everything in life depends on this.
In the practice of the 5 Tibetans, I found a way to help people prevent illness. It is better to take care of yourself before a serious illness comes and 5-12 minutes a day could be found for everyone during the day. Movement is needed as much as good water or food. I practice 5 Tibetan almost every day, because if I skip for a long time, my back hurts and my muscles shorten.
So when someone decides to practice the 5 Tibetans, does he or she have to go to a lecturer somewhere, or is it "enough" to find it on the internet?
Of course, it's better to go to a tutor - preferably me 🙂 . You can look on YouTube, there's a lot there. Trouble is, if maybe you're not used to exercising, you don't know how to do it, you'll do it wrong and you'll be killing your back, so you'd better not do it.
Actually, I learned it myself from a little red book like this, it may be 14 years ago. At the time of Covid I didn't know what to do so I did a yoga instructor course because I had been studying the path of yoga for a long time and now suddenly it was time. For yoga to be meaningful, I think it should be done at least an hour three times a week, so three hours a week. Whereas I do the 5-12 minutes of 5 Tibetans every morning. Yoga has helped me a lot in my journey of self-discovery and is definitely such a foundation in deepening my connection with myself.
What about alternative sources such as Reiki, visualization, mindfulness, meditation, etc.?
I definitely recommend these alternative sources. They have helped me a lot in my life along the way and without them I might not have gotten out of some situations, see the toughest military Krav Maga training in the world that put me on my knees and totally changed my life. At first for the worse, but then things only got better and for me it was a huge transformation that changed me and my whole life.
Mindfulness is the perception of the present moment without evaluating, judging, analyzing. It is getting as much as possible into the present moment using all five senses without evaluating, judging and analyzing.
I definitely recommend it, because then one deepens the connection with oneself, gets deeper into oneself, and thus becomes more aware of oneself. I also use Reiki, or rather energy work and visualization - Silva's method.
I decided to use mainly natural medicines, extracts and shamanic herbs. I myself work with the Swiss herbal corporation JUST/NAHRIN, thanks to my mother who has been treating me with herbs since I was eight years old. Sometimes there is no rest and medication is needed, but I see prevention in herbs and prevention in particular.
And that brings us to moderation, which I would link, to complete the circle, to the question of acting. Actors are probably aiming for some starring roles or big awards. As for moderators, I guess there are no awards there, but is there an event you'd like to moderate?
I used to wish to moderate big events in Lucerna, like the Czech Lion, etc., but now I don't think about it any more. I enjoy moderating on TV the most, it calms me down the most and I like moderating in pairs, even in English.
Are you waiting for your dream movie role or have you already got it?
That dream big lead role hasn't come yet, except that it made me realize that they've been playing the lead role all their lives, and in their own lives. But hope dies last 🙂 🙂 . But it's no longer "it must come, it must, it must", like I used to tell myself before and wait and wait, and then the expectations hurt so much... So if it comes, I'll be very happy, if it doesn't, nothing happens at all and I'm thankful for everything I had the opportunity to live and experience. I'm so grateful for it and I'm grateful for the peace and tranquility I can live in right here and right now.
Is it possible that I saw you in the series, I can't remember the name, Vladimir Javorsky played a ghost there?
Poste restante. That was one of my bigger roles from the director Karel Smyczek, I play Verunka there, I was really happy that I had the opportunity to play, it was nicely done. I was 22 years old at the time 🙂 .
But what the audience remembers me most from The Rose Garden as Brigitte Free, that's my essential role. Now I'm back there after 15 years and I'm there as a doctor from Switzerland and I speak English, I find that funny.
Irena Meier was also important for me in the series Nineties. I'm happy for the part because it was based on a true story and it has high ratings on CSFD.
I was also happy to play Lady Kroft in the series V.I.P. Homicideworse, I went to the aforementioned Krav Maga military training in Israel, where security forces like the FBI, CIA, Navy Seals go, and I came back depressed. And I had to play my dream role while depressed. Nobody knew about it at the time, and I was terrible at hiding it. But I'm glad for the role, I've been waiting my whole life for it, it just absolutely didn't go the way I wanted it to. I was tempted to do something like the show. Brutal Nikita - La femme Nikita. And who else should play Nikita but me 🙂 but that's real history...
What would you like to say in conclusion?
It would be good if we as humanity returned as much as possible to the basic and most important values of life. It seems to me that the world, and by extension humanity, has gone quite mad - and no wonder, the demands on each person are enormous. I'm not going to divide women and men, because the demands and often expectations on both sexes are truly unrealistic.
That's why I think it's good to be aware and think about your health.
There can be a million problems or challenges, but then when it comes to health, suddenly everything is so small and unimportant that it's nice to think ahead. And to protect your mental health above all else, because healing the soul is then the most challenging, painful and longest journey in any individual's life.
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PHOTO - Veronika Petrova archive