Photo: studio technics
The Ukrainian conflict is de facto linked to all processes of dynamic, especially geopolitical, objectively predetermined changes in the world. Simply put, it is a clash of influence between the transatlantic and Eurasian worlds. How does the Ukrainian conflict affect events and processes in the Czech Republic and Europe? And above all, what impact does it have on the Czech Republic and Europe? This was discussed in detail at the international level at the second round table on this topic. The discussion moved in a progressive direction, or rather expanded with more interesting perspectives, this time from four countries.
The composition of the guests was also very interesting. The main guest was the chairman of the political party Slovak Patriot and MEP JUDr. Miroslav Radačovský, who made his name in the European Parliament by saying that if the EU does not stop supplying arms to Ukraine, it will choke on the blood of Ukrainians and Slavs.
At the outset, MEP Radačovský pointed out that the picture hanging behind him in his Brussels office is a portrait of his father, who, as a volunteer and a Slovak, liberated cities in Russia, Ukraine and Slovakia with the Red Army during the Second World War. He literally said: "I am very proud to be the son of a man who fought against fascism in the ranks of the Red Army, for all of us. That's just for starters. And now to the point. Today I got my hands on the latest poll, not mine, not a poll from Russia, but one conducted by Mark Leonard of the European Council on Foreign Relations on February 21 of this year. According to the European poll, only 10 % Europeans believe that Ukraine can defeat Russia. To quote from the European Council poll. Only one in ten Europeans believe that Ukraine can defeat Russia, but only one in ten Ukrainians believe that fighting is needed, and ninety percent of Europeans, which is several hundred million Europeans, believe that sustainable peace can only come about by stopping the fighting and holding peace talks."

Another speaker was a leading Russian geopolitician, author of a number of books on geopolitical issues, Valery Mikhailovich Korovin, who is also Deputy Head of the International Eurasian Movement. Korovin raised an important issue when he said that the majority of citizens do not support the conflict in Ukraine, yet European states are doing everything the opposite of the European majority's view. "It is a question of the US occupation of Europe, which has been going on since the end of the Second World War. In fact, it is a way of controlling the world by the American elites, who place their people here and through them rule the majority in Europe, without taking into account the position and opinion of this very majority. So neither decade is called a proper political system, but it is the so-called American democracy. Imagine a pure technology of external control, because through these people of theirs they rule the world and those countries in which this democracy exists. If some people refuse to accept American democracy, first color revolutions follow, then civil wars, and then those countries are wiped off the face of the earth and thrown into chaos. If the state does not resist this American democracy, then it will find itself in the position that most countries in Europe today are in, which could be under external American control in one month if the people of Europe do not literally rise up against the American occupation and external control. The people of Europe must take the situation and their destiny into their own hands."
He further added: "Almost a month after we held our first online conference with our Czech friends, the city of Belgorod was shelled with rockets, killing a large number of civilians, including children. This was military equipment supplied by the current Czech government to Ukraine. Your society must accept responsibility. Resist by all available means, or you will inevitably find yourself on the Russian anvil and crushed in this continental battle. In this great continental war, you will become the same consumables that the Ukrainians have become. What is happening today in Ukraine before your eyes will happen tomorrow in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania. The Russian army has already been to Europe several times, once in Paris, twice in Berlin. The Russians don't want this at all, they don't like to fight unless they are forced to. You must take your own destiny into your own hands. Demand the resignation of the government and get rid of American external control and these puppets."
A well-known attorney and publicist spoke from the perspective of Czech Roma minorities and their current conditions JUDr. Klára Samková. She wondered what this conflict had brought us: "He brought us a whole new world view and a new paradigm of the idea of equality and the definition of what is equality? That paradigm is not yet clearly grasped and not clearly defined, but that old past paradigm of the 19th century said it was already over with the start of the First World War in 1914. And I think we can say of the 20th century that it ended in 2022 with the launch of the special military operation, or that it ended exactly 100 years after 1914, when another world conflict began in 2014 with the launch of Maidan."
Dr. Samková also mentioned that: "The Czech constitution states that national minorities must have access to education in their own language. And in contact with the authorities. I understand that a number of Ukrainians have indeed found themselves in a catastrophic situation, and that women and children in particular are affected by this. However, I cannot help remarking that the Roma minority, who have lived here for several hundred years, have not received even one thousandth of the support in these enacted principles on national education that Ukrainian refugees have received. Please do not hold this against Ukrainian refugees and Ukrainian war refugees. But I am showing here that the nationality question is really an ideological question. Which really irritates me."
"And it also needs to be said very openly that Europe is occupied by the US. The basis of this occupation is the economic exploitation of Europe's potential. It is de facto Postcolonial the occupation of Europe by the United States, to which they resorted after, in essence, their pressure emancipated not only the countries of the Far East, including countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, but above all some countries in Africa, where emancipation - and of course I am glad of this - is also reaching a great level. I am convinced that Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa, is on the road to a great rise," She added.
Russia's next leading geopolitician Leonid Savin, who is also the President of the Fidel Castro Foundation, was quite specific in his contribution. At the moment, the Brussels bureaucracy is working to eliminate the voices of opposition movements. He also mentioned Russophobia in Europe: "Approximately 100 years ago, the Eurasian co-founders of Europe were coming. This also needs to be remembered, these personalities and these leaders and their ideas, they were also migrants from the Russian Empire and they did a lot for European development. In the civilised context of the new Europe, there were also a number of Russian personalities who contributed, through their thinking, through their work, to the Europe that existed not so long ago. And you in Europe and in the Czech Republic could actually continue their work and ideas into the future. In the Czech Republic and in Germany and other countries in Europe, wherever they were, for example, in France as well. We need to break away from the Western hegemony that the West is trying to impose in Eastern Europe as well.
Speaking in context, there is the problem that the small countries and states in Europe are each different, have a different character, a different size, a different history, and therefore turn to one big hegemon. Whereas Russia itself is historically a hegemon in its own right, with its own history, ideology, culture and beliefs. That is why I think that European countries do not have the courage to fight for their sovereignty, but Russia has the opportunity to support you in your national identity."
The equally rare Czech guests and discussants pointed to the concrete reality of the Czech Republic itself. A former police director Col. Mgr. Stanislav Novotný and chairman of the Independent Media Association, has spoken openly about the influence of American ideological politicians. And it was the words of MEP Radačovský that Novotný confirmed, adding that: "Very many people do not support war and armaments. But they cannot do anything against what Western politicians and our European elites support. They can do nothing about it, and the big problem is to talk to the citizens through the media. Because all the media in our country are influenced by American politicians and oligarchs. The state-owned Czech Television, for example, is a typical example, it is directly controlled by US agents, and everyone knows that they go to the US embassy for assignments, what the topics should be on television, what should be debated in society. And basically, it's already normal, I, and we all know that that's how it goes. Internet multinationals like Google, Meta and YouTube, for example, are quite deliberately radically reducing our viewership, including advertising fees. They are literally stifling alternative media because they don't match the mainstream."
Novotný also stressed: "I could go on like this for much, much longer about how the Ukrainian conflict is affecting our country. Now we are left with only a nation, and there is a danger that there will be no nation left. And if these migrants submit to the pro-American policies of our government, they will enter the spheres of our politics and thus totally weaken us, because the very Ukrainians who are grateful to them for creating the conditions for assimilation in our country will like them very much and will vote for these Czech politicians in the elections."
And he added: "In our country there are only Ukrainians mostly from western Ukraine, there are no Ukrainians from eastern Ukraine, there are very few of them. Well, those from the west come here only for the benefits, monetary or otherwise, and that is the problem we are solving right now and that is the situation we are in. It may come to a stage where these migrants will actually be politically dealing with our future, what will actually happen to us. Muslims have done the same thing in Western Europe."
Alexander and Mikhail Kononovich are Ukrainian activists, communists, journalists and political prisoners who have spoken about the trials in Ukraine.
Mikhail: "In Ukraine, the communists have always opposed the NATO alliance. They know that it is necessary to have no American or NATO troops on the European continent. Europeans must be given back their independence and sovereignty, their pride and dignity. Europe must stop being a colony of the US. All the problems on the European continent are the result of the colonial policy of the United States. It is necessary to get rid of colonial policies and concentrate on the interests of Europeans and the European continent, and then there will be far fewer problems. I would like to say that, in my personal opinion, the current President, Peter Paul, is a so-called Governor-General. He is a NATO general who has been put in charge of your territory. If we look at the left-wing movement in Europe, you need another Communist International.
There is a need to establish a strong international movement that will defend the interests of the nation. It will defend the interests of the workers and it will defend the interests of the European continent unitedly. But by no means the colonial policy of the United States. I was in Ecuador in 2012. When I met an Indian at the market, I asked him how he was living, how he was doing, how was his nation? And he answered: when we drove the Americans out of our house, out of our land, we were doing well, but when they come back to your house, you must expect war and terror. That was in 2012 and I have never forgotten those words. And when I came home to Ukraine and saw what was happening on the Maidan in 2014, I remembered again the words of this Indian man that I will never forget. You see, he was a market man, an ordinary Indian, and there was a deep and simple truth in his words.
Alexander: "I would just like to add that during World War II Hitler liquidated the Jews. And today this Ukrainian regime is liquidating communists. It follows that as long as NATO is in Europe, there will be no peace on the European continent."
Mikhail: "It's just that at the moment the politics have changed and there is a huge pressure on the East. And I ask: has the policy of imperialism changed? It hasn't. When the Americans invaded Iraq, Syria, millions of people flocked to Europe. Well, it is the same with the refugees in Ukraine, where the conditions are being created for more and more Ukrainians to flee to Europe because Europe wants cheap labour and slaves."
Milan Krajca, who is the Vice-Chairman of the World Peace Council (WPC), Chairman of the Czech Peace Movement, Vice-Chairman of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČM) and also a candidate in the European Parliament elections on the Enough! He stated that: "Recently, our government has taken all steps to increase the budget in its entirety, to 2 % of GDP for defence, to contribute to the North Atlantic alliances to the budget. As part of this budget and military purchases, the Czech Republic is buying many overpriced, unnecessary military systems, and one of the latest such purchases is the purchase of American F-35 fighter jets at an absolutely unbelievably unreasonable overpriced price, fighter jets that the Czech Republic does not need for its defence."
He adds: "Kthe communists and the left are trying to do everything they canthat no munitions be supplied to wars in this country, and that no American or other troops be stationed here. We want our Czech policy to be absolutely independent and sovereign in terms of international law and cooperation with states. Above all, we want the Czech Republic to reject the current policy of supporting wars, as advocated by the NATO alliance. We want the Czech Republic to promote peace above all in its existing international relations."
Petra Prokšanová although she had not prepared her contribution as she had a contribution from the last round table. However, she was happy to say hello and make a few remarks, such as
The situation has not really changed much since the last roundtable: "I agree with comrade Milan Krajča because he is a fellow party member with whom we are waging a political struggle together. And we also discuss this topic together." Prokšanová recalled: "Comrade Krajča and I continue to follow the case of the Kononovich brothers in Ukraine. I am glad that in their trial there, thanks to a letter from MEP Kateřina Konečná, the Kononovič brothers' trial was broadcast online. However, I can confirm that we are still living under the dictates of civil bullying and the mediaocracy. Next time, I would like our roundtable to be enriched as well. some participants from Western Europe or the Western part of the world. Because they would be able to bring some other point of view to this issue, which is very important and serious, that would enrich much more this mosaic of these current processes that are happening in our country and in the world."
Journalist and politician Roman Blaško went back to looking at the processes of geopolitics and said: "In the Czech Republic, the United States, and by extension the collective West, has come directly to power. The goal of the United States is to completely subjugate us, to deprive us of our sovereignty, independence and even culture, to weaken the nation as much as possible and to damage it economically, for example in the energy sector, where the Fial government recently announced that it would build two more nuclear units or power plants to shut down the original ones with Russian technology." Another point that Blaško mentioned is "changing social and cultural values at all levels and in all areas. Whether it is the culture of upbringing, education, leisure and literature, but also the systematic destruction of our basic Czech family values, the entrenchment of LGBTQ doctrine and the establishment of legal norms so that waves of generations cannot relate to each other in harmony and thus pass on experiences and understand each other."
For example, the debate on pension reform. Blaško also agreed with Milan Krajč about changing the course of the Czech Republic's foreign policy: "The current one, subordinated to US control and influence, is undermining our relations with, for example, the People's Republic of China, where fake moralists are even now demonstrably allowing themselves to literally lie about China and its internal politics to the world media. So it is not just incredible investment in the Belt and Road or profits from tourism that we are losing when China has cancelled direct flights from Beijing to Prague. But the government is also officially accusing China of human rights abuses, yet the United States has killed thirty times more people in Iraq than the alleged dictator Saddam Hussein." Finally, all the remaining participants agreed that these discussions should continue, but next time with an audience from Western countries.