On Wednesday, 12 February 2025, the President of the Czech Republic appointed Assoc. PhDr. Ingeborg Radok No. as Rector of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague effective from 15 February 2025 for a second term of office.
Speech by the President of the Republic at the appointment of the Rector of AMU
Dear Minister, Madam Rector, ladies and gentlemen,
we're meeting here today in a much more intimate setting than usual. But that doesn't change the fact that this is as festive a moment as any. I would like to congratulate you on your appointment as Rector of the Academy of Performing Arts for the second time. I am glad that we are managing to do it, albeit on such a tight schedule, but that your next term actually starts on Saturday, so there will be no delay.
At the same time, I am delighted to appoint the rector of our largest art college, through whose gates famous names of our culture have passed, are passing and will surely pass, whether in film, theatre, painting, music or dance. Perhaps I would like to add a little appeal. We today, in what we call a post-factual age, are often subjected to the fact that facts seem to have lost their relevance, their punch, and people don't pay as much attention to them anymore. And if we want to emphasise certain things, certain values, it is mostly through emotions, and what we see in the media today is unfortunately often through negative emotions. And art has the power to spread the positive ones, and that's why I would just like to appeal, wherever possible, through theatre, film, painting, but also music, to spread those positive emotions that remind us of universal human, ethical values, that will help a lot. In this I would like to wish you a lot of strength and success.
Petr Pavel, President of the Republic, Prague Castle, 12 February 2025
castle.cz/ gnews - RoZ
PHOTO - Zuzana Bönisch