At its meeting on Wednesday, 12 February 2025, the Government of Petro Fiala approved, among other things, a draft amendment to the Advertising Regulation Act, a proposal to transfer funds between certain EU funds as part of the mandatory review and also approved the National Plan for Cybersecurity Education.
Aim amendment of the Advertising Regulation Act is to transfer supervision over compliance with the law in the area of advertising of infant formula from regional trade offices to the State Agricultural and Food Inspection Authority. The reason for this is that the public authority is substantially better equipped in terms of substance and qualifications for control activities in the field of advertising regulation than the trade authorities, which have a completely different function. As a result of the transfer, the control of compliance with the rules on advertising of infant formula should be more effective than before. The second change concerns the regulation of advertising of human medicines, medical devices and other medical goods regulated by law. In this case, the Government proposes a slight relaxation of the rules, whereby instead of the current a priori prohibition, information could be disseminated to non-medical health professionals, other persons with appropriate expertise and patients in the forms permitted by law. Details in press release of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
The government also discussed a proposal by the Ministry of Regional Development for adjusting the distribution of European funds for the current programming period 2021-2027. The aim of the transfers resulting from the Mandatory Review is to ensure that European funding is used where it will make the biggest difference - in research, innovation and environmental protection. The government has therefore agreed to transfer €20 million from the Integrated Regional Operational Programme to the Jan Amos Komenský Operational Programme (€8 million to support research and development, specifically research infrastructure) and the Environment Programme (€12 million to create a financial instrument for projects in the areas of water access and sustainable water management). The Environment Operational Programme will also receive €20 million from the Operational Programme Technology and Applications for Competitiveness. The Czech Republic has to submit its requests for changes to the programmes to the European Commission for approval by 31 March. More in press release of the Ministry for Regional Development.
The cabinet also approved National Cybersecurity Education Plan. It contains four objectives, developed into 23 concrete actions to improve cybersecurity education. For example, the plan seeks to obtain an accurate situational overview of the shortage of cybersecurity professionals and market requirements, to increase the number of cybersecurity professionals, especially in the public sector and other entities regulated by the Cybersecurity Act, and to ensure effective and quality education for both public sector employees and the public. It also emphasises raising the level of public awareness of the Czech Republic's cyber security system, cyber threats and ways of preventing them.
Government of the Czech Republic/ gnews - RoZ