BRUSSELS - Responding to citizens' expectations and in line with the EP's priorities for the 10th parliamentary term, the leaders of the European Parliament's political groups (President Metsola and the chairs of the political groups) have decided to upgrade the subcommittees on security and defence and on public health to full standing committees and to create a special committee on the shield of democracy and a committee on housing.
It is proposed that
the Subcommittee on Security and Defence becomes the Standing Committee on Security and Defence;
the Subcommittee on Public Health became the Standing Committee on Public Health;
a special committee for the European Shield of Democracy shall be set up;
A special committee on the housing crisis in the European Union is set up;
The plenary will vote on the mandate, number of members and terms of office of the new standing and special committees on Wednesday 18 December at noon.
The lists of members will be announced at the next plenary session.
Amendments to the list of standing committees (Annex VI) consisting of the creation of a new standing committee or the establishment of special committees require a decision by the Conference of Presidents and a vote in plenary.
Annex VI to the European Parliament's Rules of Procedure, which lists the EP's standing committees, will be amended accordingly. It will also define the committees' competences.
The term of office of special committees set up to deal with specific subjects is a maximum of 12 months, unless extended by Parliament (Rule 213). /