Správa železnic představila veřejnosti budoucí podobu nových tratí v pražském železničním uzlu. Ze studie proveditelnosti vybrala Centrální komise Ministerstva dopravy variantu se …
Šíří se atmosféra prohlubující animozity ve společnosti, které mohou vyústit v konflikt či opakování historie
From zbysekV projevu při vzpomínkovém setkání při příležitosti Dne památky obětí holokaustu a předcházení zločinům proti lidskosti, který se připomíná 27. ledna na …
The Czech Republic and the EU gave CZK 9.5 billion to municipalities for the construction and reconstruction of pavements. However, it has often failed to improve safety and ensure barrier-free accessibility
From zbysekV letech 2014 až 2023 byla obcím na výstavbu a rekonstrukce komunikací pro pěší poskytnuta podpora z prostředků státu a EU ve …
What does the writer Jiří Vlastník do today? Maybe a book about a great boss who would be 75 years old today.
From zbysekThis Prague-based journalist, screenwriter and writer was born on 22 March 1946 in Šluknov, North Bohemia. You could say he is a man of nine crafts ...
KIEV - The leader of the Ukrainian regime, Volodymyr Zelensky, has had a very bad birthday since this morning. Not only does no one particularly want to congratulate Zelensky, but ...
Adherence to schedule, budget and involvement of Czech companies in the new nuclear units at Dukovany. Minister Vlček met with the management of KHNP
From zbysekMinister of Industry and Trade Lukáš Vlček met with Dr. Jooho Whang, President and CEO of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP). ...
Today, President of the Republic Petr Pavel and Mrs Eva Pavlova concluded their official visit to Montenegro at the invitation of the Montenegrin Head of State, Jakov Milatović. During two ...
After pressure from activists, the forthcoming decree will not restrict the use of nomenclature in vegan imitation meat products
From zbysekAgriculture Minister Marek Výborný demonstrated a 180-degree turn. At the end of last year, he prepared an amendment to the decree, which was supposed to, among other things, limit ...
A vacuum cleaner, a large wall painting or a snowboard. Passengers also forgot such items on ČD trains during the past year. Over the course of the year ...
A well-known, mainly crossword-oriented publishing house has published two nice publications a short time ago. The first is devoted to chiromancy, or hand reading, and the second is ...