Back pain and spinal problems are certainly among the most common health problems of modern civilization. We can read the spine like a book - every vertebra ...
What is the much-discussed gluten? Gluten is a protein found in cereals. Gluten is the protein found in cereals that makes it possible to bake bread and ...
Are we victims of matter or creators of energy? Cultivating your own energy by consciously tending to your vibrational field and chakra system can, at first glance, ...
The moon and its phases influence not only the tides of the seas and oceans, the growth of plants, but also the affairs and actions of people. Most of ...
Chinese soldiers used them before battle, Tibetan monks used their effects to survive on small amounts of food. Nowadays, a number of ...
Kids are constantly inundated with Wi-Fi signals, writing homework with their heads close to a tube lamp, playing with electronic toys, making phone calls... ...
If we want to change something in our lives, to deal with a situation differently - in a new way, the mind will resist a lot and create catastrophic scenarios. Scare! ...
Coffee today is in the crosshairs of nutritionists and indulgers alike, for different reasons for each group. For most of the population, the coffee drink is the daily bread, for some ...
This year marks 432 years since the birth of Jan Amos Comenius, the founder of modern pedagogy. Let's reflect on where "our modern education" has gone in ...
We experience peace, war and conflict not only outside, in relationships, but above all within ourselves. When I look around, I can't help but see the brutality...