Coffee today is in the crosshairs of nutritionists and indulgers alike, for different reasons for each group. For most of the population, the coffee drink is the daily bread, for some...
We experience peace, war and conflict not only outside, in relationships, but above all within ourselves. When I look around, I can't help but see the brutality,...
A treasure called turmeric Cartilage is connective tissue that consists of chondrocytes, collagen and elastic fibres and amorphous intercellular material. It is firm,...
Most commonly, beta-glucans refer to natural polysaccharides whose basic building unit is a glucose monosaccharide molecule in a specific chain. These substances form part of...
We are in a history-making moment; let's work together to end HIV/AIDS as a public health threat
From zbysekStatement by Ambassador John N. World AIDS Day.
Prostate cancer has long been asymptomatic. Preventive check-ups and screening are key. In the Czech Republic, around 8,000 men are diagnosed each year,...
Testicular cancer mainly affects boys and young men. The basis of prevention is regular self-examination
From zbysekIn the Czech Republic, approximately 500 new cases of testicular cancer are diagnosed each year. Although they account for only 1-2 percent of all cancer cases in...
China and the World Health Organization (WHO) will hold a global conference on traditional medicine in Beijing on 3 and 4 December, it was announced at...
Half of the Czechs are worried that the state will not fund healthcare. And they are willing to pay extra for better quality examinations or treatment
From zbysekAccording to a recent survey conducted by the Czech Association of Insurance Companies in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, 56 % Czechs are concerned about the financial future of the Czech healthcare system. The lack of...
November is traditionally dedicated to men and their health. During this month, many men grow a moustache as a symbol of support for the global charity...