Unusual places, original combinations of art forms, authors and compositions and many other unexpected connections. World premieres, contemporary music and enlightened interpretation. These...
With a new visual style, it enters the world of classical music 34. International Music Festival Český Krumlov. It will have as its main theme Unexpected Connections...
Sad announcement: "It is with heavy hearts that we share the news that our husband/father/grandfather, Kris Kristofferson, passed away peacefully at home on Saturday, September 28. We are all so...
On 5 September, the famous violist Yuri Bashmet and the ensemble "Moscow Soloists" opened the "Days of Spiritual Culture" at the Linder Auditorium of the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa...
A mini-exhibition in the permanent exhibition of the Czech Museum of Music, the Vitrína, which does not even fit all the gramophone records from the rich discography of...