It has been five years since an exhibition of paintings with Prague themes by Vojtěch Kolařík cheered art lovers in the legendary German port. It took place on 21...
ivan černý
An extraordinary contribution to the historical and economic problems of our modern history was published in Prague these days. The publication presented by these lines has been published by Jaskmanický Publishing House under the title Dějiny pisou ...
Stanislav Motl is behind this paraphrase of the well-known saying that fortune favours the prepared. The world-famous reporter and documentary filmmaker, Czech journalist and writer, awarded ...
One of our best contemporary academics, also known as the Portraitist of Prague, is a classic in the true sense of the word. Honest painting with a wide range of subjects ...
An audiobook that will delight not only lovers of our film history and memorabilia films, but also students of this branch of important artistic activity, was published before ...
On Monday 13 January, in the late afternoon, the Prague Municipal Library hosted a memorial talk in memory of the important Czech poet Karel Sys, who ...
Few contemporary Czech top politicians have been so admired and hated at the same time. As the saying goes, lightning strikes the tall trees, and he ...
Until now, in the case of the war in Ukraine, it has been the United States of America that has been belly laughing. But nothing lasts forever, as ...
What does the writer Jiří Vlastník do today? Maybe a book about a great boss who would be 75 years old today.
From zbysekThis Prague-based journalist, screenwriter and writer was born on 22 March 1946 in Šluknov, North Bohemia. You could say he is a man of nine crafts ...
A well-known, mainly crossword-oriented publishing house has published two nice publications a short time ago. The first is devoted to chiromancy, or hand reading, and the second is ...