By signing the agreement, the SPOLU coalition launched a campaign with a key appeal: this year's elections will be decisive for the future direction of the Czech Republic. The SPOLU coalition wants to be the best ...
Prime Minister Fiala after meeting on security issues: we consider it necessary for the Czech Republic and Europe to take responsibility for their own security
From zbysekSecurity issues and strengthening the Czech Republic's defence capability was the main topic of the meeting of the parties and movements represented in the Chamber of Deputies, which was convened by the Prime Minister ...
To win the elections again, to complete important reforms and to continue to be a clear ally in the EU and NATO, SPOLU confirmed by signing a memorandum on joint candidacy in the parliamentary elections
From zbysekWe are going to the parliamentary elections TOGETHER! A memorandum on joint candidacy in the parliamentary elections was signed by representatives of ODS, KDU-ČSL and TOP 09 on Monday 28th ...
The KDU-ČSL congress elected a new leadership: chairman Marek Výborný, 1st vice-chairman Pavel Bělobrádek
From zbysekThe national congress of the KDU-ČSL 2024 elected a new presidium. The party's chairman is Czech Agriculture Minister Marek Výborný, who won the second round of the ...
The new presidium of the KDU-ČSL Women's Association calls on delegates to elect at least two vice-presidents
From zbysekAt its weekend meeting, the national congress of the Women's Association supported the candidacy of Šarka Jelínková, the current vice-chair of the KDU-ČSL, and Dita Vávrová, chair of the KDU-ČSL in Náchod...
Exclusive conference of the Motorists' Club called Friday the 13th on the Czech Right
From Editorial staffOn Friday morning, the political movement Motorists for Ourselves held an exclusive conference at the Kaiserstein Palace in Prague at 11 a.m. entitled Friday the Thirteenth ...