The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT) has approved the revised Framework Education Programmes (RVP) for pre-school education (RVP PV) and primary education (RVP ZV)....
The amendment to the Higher Education Act will improve the conditions of doctoral studies and modify the position of the National Accreditation Office
From zbysekThanks to the amendment to the Higher Education Act, which was approved today in its third reading by the Chamber of Deputies, the conditions for doctoral studies will be significantly improved. The aim is to...
Director Krejčí continues to cooperate with the Ministry of Education on the digitization of agendas
From zbysekMinister of Education Mikuláš Bek together with the Director of the Centre for Determination of Educational Results (Cermat) Miroslav Krejčí informed today about personnel changes in the management of the organisation....
The reasons for the departure of cantors vary according to age. Salary is crucial especially for young people
From zbysekMore than 13 % Czech primary school teachers want to leave the profession. However, the factors leading to this decision are different for young teachers and for...
The education budget will exceed CZK 290 billion. The biggest increase will be recorded by universities
From zbysekAccording to the government-approved draft budget, the volume of the binding indicator "higher education institutions" should amount to almost CZK 35 billion in 2025. Compared to the approved...
ILLUSTRATIVE PHOTO - MADRID, September 20 - Gema Canales, a 16-year-old Spanish girl with cerebral palsy who is unable to speak, has achieved a significant...
The government has proposed rules to guarantee dignified pensions for participants in the anti-communist resistance and approved a concept for the development of education until 2027
From Editorial staffPhoto: Archive of the Presidency Office of the Government of the Czech Republic On Wednesday, 20 December 2023, the Government of Petro Fiala met for its last ordinary session of this...