As of 28 February 2025, the Labour Office of the Czech Republic registered a total of 326 223 job seekers, which was 5707 more than in January. ...
Daily economic news from the Czech Republic: overview of the past 24 hours (18 February 2025)
From AdminOverview of the latest economic events in the Czech Republic The Czech Statistical Office (CSO) announced that the unemployment rate rose to 3.8 % in January 2025, ...
Unemployment in the Czech Republic rose to 4.3 %. The Labour Office succeeds in intensive use of active employment policy instruments
From zbysekThe Labour Office of the Czech Republic registered a total of 320,516 jobseekers as of 31 January 2025, 14,038 more than in December 2024.
ÚP ČR: Unemployment rose to 4.1 % in December. In 2024, the employment office found jobs for more than 276,000 people
From zbysekAs of 31 December 2024, the Labour Office of the Czech Republic registered a total of 306 478 jobseekers, 16 053 more than in November. The share of the unemployed at the end of the year increased ...
The Labour Office of the Czech Republic (ÚP) registered a total of 290 425 job seekers as of 30 November 2024, 1,422 more than in October. The share of ...
Employment rateThe proportion of employed persons to the total population aged 15-64 reached 75.0 % in October. Compared to October 2023, it decreased by 0.2 percentage points. The employment rate for men ...
The Labour Office of the Czech Republic (ÚP ČR) registered a total of 289 003 job seekers as of 31 October 2024, 1 902 fewer than in September. ...
The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs paid CZK 1.2 billion to increase employment of disadvantaged people. However, it is not possible to assess whether the support actually helped them
From zbysekTo increase the employment of disadvantaged people, such as the low-skilled, disabled, long-term unemployed, over 50, caring for ...
Unemployment rose slightly to 3.9 %. As of 30 September, the ÚP registered a total of 290,905 job seekers, 4,585 more than in August
From zbysekThe most significant factor affecting the labour market in September is the arrival of fresh school leavers, with 3,023 new graduates in September alone.
From the Czech point of view, today's figures from the labour market for August belonged to the Czech Republic. The market was expecting the unemployment rate to be higher during the second holiday month ...