457 On Tuesday 12 October, a global video-media forum called Visions for Sharing the Future was held with representatives of the world's leading media. Representatives from all over the world, 63 countries to be exact, 140 media outlets attended, and 125 of those media outlets participated online. The Deputy Head of the PR Department of the CPC Central Committee was a distinguished guest, President and Editor-in-Chief Chine Media Group Shen Haixiong, who spoke at the forum about China Media Groupe always constructively contributed to the construction of the global project "Belt and Road" and jointly hopes with the media of other countries, to promote the spirit. Media company China Media Group this global Silk Road project is very supportive, including dialogue between cultures and civilisations around the world. Among the results of this forum can be noted the publication of a declaration of joint action. It is a joint initiative of 140 media from 63 countries, which means strengthening cooperation in the media sphere, an innovative approach to expanding interaction, fighting challenges and threats together, strengthening dialogue and building a better future together. The Forum has also launched new mechanisms for cooperation between, among others China Media Group and 18 media outlets from 9 Middle Eastern countries. To date China Media Group is also developing similar mechanisms of interaction with Europe, ASEAN, Africa, Latin America and the countries of the Pacific region. Among others, Alexander Lebedev, CEO of the Greater Asia TV channel, said: "This is a very big event not only in terms of media cooperation between Asian countries, but on a general global level. Because, first of all, today a very important declaration was adopted, which talks about the responsibility of the media for the future of our country. And it is very important that this forum is taking place on the eve of a major summit, which will be attended by heads of state who will discuss a common vision for the development of our civilisation. The Belt and Road Initiative very seriously correlates and fits in with Comrade Xi Jingping's initiative to 'build a community of shared destiny for humanity, because building a shared destiny is linked above all to the values of people who want to develop. Today's forum has shown the readiness of all progressive media to not only work together but also to create a positive agenda, which is very important." In all the speeches there were warm words of thanks for the cooperation. (USA)